Powerful Prayer works immediately.

This topic was created in the Religion forum by jazzymom on Friday, June 30, 2023 and has 8 replies.
Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the prayer. Publish Immediately

O Great Passion

O Deep Wounds

O Blood Shed in Abundance

O Meekness

O God of Meekness

O Cruel Death

Have Mercy on Me and Grant my Request, if it be for my Salvation.

(say request)

Amen and Amen - dw

Believe each word of this prayer as you say it and this urgent prayer for help will be granted.

Publish Immediately. Amen.
Ain’t noooo way jazzymom still on their powerful prayer BS, comin in hot with the 21st identical thread and 87th identical post 😩
I'm gonna need my water turned into wine this weekend!

Please and thank you!

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Powerful prayer make everyone on DXP attractive
Posted by Basic
Powerful prayer make everyone on DXP attractive
Do you think it could give me options?
Posted by ATGR
Posted by Basic
Powerful prayer make everyone on DXP attractive

Do you think it could give me options?
click to expand
Yes coz powerful prayer works immediately 🤣
yo why don't you bump an old thread instead of creating the same thread several times? I think that would make the prayer more powerful if you repeat it inside the same thread

I feel the power jazzy mom

It’s working