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Jul 26, 2015Comments: 4 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 16
I had an interest in Judaism and had the opportunity to celebrate and participate in Rosh Hashanah with a family very interesting and beautiful rituals. Fir those that don't know, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish new year Sept 23rd for a whole week. I have read that it is the year you are closest to God. Rosh Hashanah it is a time to let go of any wrong doings and asking God for blessings to be bestowed on you.
Well now I understand why this particular Rosh Hashanah last year was so important. For those who don't know what a Shmitah year, it is a year where Jewish people are supposed to not farm the land and let the earth rest as a sacrifice to God. It is a year where all your debts / sins are errased. Well Rabi Jonathan Cahn wrote a book called "The Harbinger". They have correlated every shmitah year to something big happening especially financially. The stock market crash, the depression, 2008 recession. They are predicting another financial fall. They have also correlated historical events WWI, WWII, 9/11, etc.
This shmitah year is particularly special because it is the year of the jubilee seventh shmitah and because we have 3 blood moons. It goes from 9/23/14 to 9/13/15.
Any thoughts are knowledge in this subject?
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Jul 26, 2015Comments: 4 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 16
Stock markets drops and oil prices drop. Rate hike on homes. Interesting. China markets in trouble. Interesting right toward end of Shmitah year.