Who is God?

This topic was created in the Religion forum by P-Angel on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 and has 39 replies.
We ask all our lives, for things, for redemption, to save our souls . . but, do we ever stop to ponder . .
Who is God?
Where is She?
What is it She wants of us?
Are we sure we know this? Or, have we been led down the wrong road?
Does this mean, that you know who God is, and it's just who doesn't?
Oh, well, I said she because according to Adam, as he prophsized to his son Seth, he told his son that woman was created first by the mother of our planet . . later, a lessor God created man.
So, to me that means that woman is a God . . however, I beleive there are many. Alpha and Omega are king and queen of the universe, and they are a couple: man & woman.
The Gospel of Thomas
14. Jesus said to them, "If you fast, you will bring sin upon yourselves, and if you pray, you will be condemned, and if you give to charity, you will harm your spirits.

Gospel of Thomas
16. Jesus said, "Perhaps people think that I have come to cast peace upon the world. They do not know that I have come to cast conflicts upon the earth: fire, sword, war.
There is a meaning, can anyone see it?
The word of Jesus is NOT what people have been led to believe by Christians who wanted to gain power and so purposely removed gospels from the Bible, so the lambs would be blinded and believe ONLY what they wanted you to know . . but, the word is faulty . . it doens't speak of the truth, only what is wanted of you to believe.
Transcend . . . .
In 1946, these passages were found in a cave in Egypt (I think) and they have been validated as authentic . . they are a apart of the missing gospels.
They are called, Nag Hammadi
Jesus was Gnostic and he was sent down here to attempt to steer people in the right direction, however, only a few grasped what he was saying, everyone else, tossed his words aside and killed him . . when he said he was there for conflict, what he is meaning is: fighting against Christianity because it fucked up . . that's NOT what our purpose is . . . to pray to God, you are condemning yourself to the material world, that is what he is trying to say . . . because the Creator of this world is a lessor God, who wants to trap souls on this earth and not allow them to ascend to be with the True God . . that is what Jesus is trying to say . . but, these parts of the scriptures were intentionally removed . . so, we would be blind . . and most of you are.

I wish for everyone to read the missing scriptures . . for they speak the truth. They haven't been re-written like the holy bible with the purpose of enchanting us into believing something false.
Nag Hammadi
MIA . .
You have to understand Gnosticism to understand what I mean by truth.
Truth is inside each individual person . . that is the meaning of Gnostic.
Everything you just said . . thinking for yourself, believing with your own heart is gnostic and that's what Jesus was trying to tell us.
Our path is our own . . . so, you see . . what you say you believe, or don't believe in MIA, is exactly what you are SUPPOSE to know to save you soul.
Read up on the prinicipals of being Gnostic and it will become clearer as to what I am saying.
There is no hell . . it doesn't exist.
And once a person understands the true meaning of everying, and the bible, they will realize . . there is no hell . . that is a threat held over people's head because the jealous lessor god wants people to fear because if they don't fear than they might find out the truth.
The truth is . . we are already spirits, experiencing a physical existence . . but, once this life is over, we can ascend back into the cosmos (heavens)
everybody tossed his words aside, MIA
Everybody tossed his words aside, MIA . . that's what I'm saying.
The romans, christianity tossed his words aside and made up their own ideals.
He was an avatar, such as mohammad, Buddha, Moses . . . our race has degenerated and now we have almost lost the ability to see beyond our little existence here on earth, that the lessor god has capitalized on . . . .
. . turn your spark into a flame, shine brightly, so the Gods will see that you are apart of our evolution . . not just sitting stagnant within a box.
Cool . . . For me, it all makes sense now.
Chaos . . it all was just a bunch of chaos, the bible made no sense, a god who would let his people suffer and call it love made no sense, none of it.
Now . . . everything has fallen into place for me.
I hope you find the truth, MIA . . I hope everybody finds their own truth. And this truth isn't in the hands of another, it's within ourselves.
Jesus said repeatedly that God is in you . . and he meant it, but, nobody listened, they thought he meant that HE was god . .
I hope so . . I hope everybody does . . so mankind can evolve.
Does it matter?
If you want to know . . you will search.
If you don't want to know . . you won't.
My hope is that every person on this planet wants to know and will search within themselves.
"my question, if these are the words of God and Jesus, why omit them from text?
sound like conspiracy to me."

Yes . . . sad, many souls have been tied to the material world because of it, for they worship a false god.
Satanism is closer to the truth than Christianity . . at least they comprehend that there is a higher power that is NOT the christians god.
that is literal . . i'm talking spiritually . . not of the earth
It's up to you, it's up to everybody . . my only hope is that everybody gains the awareness, so we can evolve to the next race and not be tied to the earth as shadows.
never mind . . you don't understand . . you think this is about some kind of challenge of people against other people, much like our wars . . that is instilled by this lessor god, that's why people believe the way they do
"i got my job, you got yours, pls dont tell me how to do my work, i wont yours."
Taking this position is the only way we can view if we are trapped. My only hope is for people to because "aware", to find gnosis, then there won't be any wars, then there won't be anybody who says "don't tell me what to do" because there's no need to if everybody knows.
There are so few.
Well, I won't be prompted into a dispute over knowledge MIA . . I'm simply trying to give people another direction to ponder.
Sorry, if you were offended, that wan't my aim.
Anyway, MIA, read up on the Nag Hammadi and come back and we can share insight. Tell me what you've gotten out of it.
Peace to you.
The revelation which Adam taught his son Seth in the seven hundreth year, saying:
Listen to my words, my son Seth. When God had created me out of the earth, along with Eve, your mother, I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal God. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.
Then God, the ruler of the aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our heart(s) left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed within us. And it (glory) fled from us; it entered into [...] great [...] which had come forth, not from this aeon from which we had come forth, I and Eve your mother. But it (knowledge) entered into the seed of great aeons. For this reason I myself have called you by the name of that man who is the seed of the great generation or from whom (it comes). After those days, the eternal knowledge of the God of truth withdrew from me and your mother Eve. Since that time, we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these things, we became darkened in our heart(s). Now I slept in the thought of my heart.
And I saw three men before me whose likeness I was unable to recognize, since they were not the powers of the God who had created us. They surpassed [...] glory, and [...] men [...] saying to me, "Arise, Adam, from the sleep of death, and hear about the aeon and the seed of that man to whom life has come, who came from you and from Eve, your wife."
When I had heard these words from the great men who were standing before me, then we sighed, I and Eve, in our heart(s). And the Lord, the God who had created us, stood before us. He said to us, "Adam, why were you (both) sighing in your hearts? Do you not know that I am the God who created you? And I breathed into you a spirit of life as a living soul." Then darkness came upon our eyes.
Then the God who created us, created a son from himself and Eve, your mother. I knew sweet desire for your mother, for [...] in the thought of my [...] I knew a sweet desire for your mother. Then the vigor of our eternal knowledge was destroyed in us, and weakness pursued us. Therefore the days of our life became few. Fo
only a few will make it . . all the rest will be decieved and tied to this earth that they percieve as hell . . only a few will make it to start the next race of people
i will be among them because I know that I AM, it is in me and has been since my birth, my christ-self . . I am God and therefore I pervail.
Yes, my ego is something I have to work on, and will continue to do so . . as well as, work on others to throw down their egos . . that is my mission
at first, they get angry with me for pointing out their ego's and how they let it lead them to err . . but, then, later . . . they think about it and realize that they let themselves get carried away due to their vanities . . .
no damage done, then . . to karma's . . the opposite
No shit . . so your Gnostic and call yourself christian, if you believe what you just wrote . . this world is in serious trouble.
God isn't who the christians think it is . . . God the Creator is NOT God of the Universe . . . that is the deception, the one that will bind even the clergy to eternity in shadow.
There is no such thing as hell, only a land of shadowy souls who can no longer be apart of the cosmos because they stopped listening to the vibrations in their psyche, instead, they listened to a God who means to trap them within themselves and stop looking for answers.
Never stop looking for answers . . always be open . . that's why we can think, that's why Demiurge (wormwood) didn't want the children to eat from the tree of knowledge, because then they might learn that there is another purpose beyond the tiny existence that this lessor god would dictate . . yes, i guess he would be jealous, yes, I guess he would want people to fear him, to fear hell . . intimadation is his only recourse to keep up oppressed . . . soon, christianity is going to crumble because we will know the truth, we will wake up and open our eyes.
His law, the Bible, means nothing . . because he is not God . . to worship him is the souls destruction . . that is the trick that will fool multitudes of people. It even says in Nag Hammadi that this Creator God made Adam wear a mark of obediance.
Think about that !!!!!!!!!!
"Jesus Christs death. that covered ALL SINS"
These are your chains . . you believe this, so, therefore, you believe what christianity has programmed into people. Jesus did not come here to die for our sins, he came here to tell us that we are our own Gods.
No, suvant, you still don't get it and perhaps never will so long as you believe in christianity. That's your choice, and I can't teach you the way, you have to find it for yourself.
Stop putting my book down and start living my life? That's what I'm doing, suvant, this is my mission . . just as it was Jesus's mission . . the one that fell on deaf ears, just as it falls on deaf ears now . . but, i will continue because I care about mankinds survival, just as he did and died for it . . I would too because I know, just as the avatar Jesus knew, God is in me . . I am God . . that is what he was trying to tell us . . and I won't stop and when I die, which will be in body only, I will continue to re-incarnate, as I've done already . . come back and say these things over and over again .. . . .
I AM . . we all ARE . .
Jesus didn't die for our sins, suvant, he died because he was a man and pissed people off by telling people that God is in them . . heiracy . . kill him. They didn't believe then, and still it's not belived . . but, that's what he said because it was the truth.
I am God.
It's been kept a mystery for ages, but, seeing that we are in the age of Aquarius, it's time to open up and let people know what has been hidden, for the end is near
the end being a planet in another solar system that when it comes close to earth it will tilt us by another 45% degrees and bring fire in the sky (like Nostradamus tried to tell us), erupt volcanoes, cause tidal waves, hurricanes . . it has nothing to do with the bible and the devil . . . that's all nonesense.
We hear about it all the time and NASA has a keen eye on it . . it's the Red Planet in a neighboring star system . . every sidereal year, once the earth moves from Pisces to Aquarius, this planet cause havoc on earth and kills everything . . it wiped away the dinosaurs . . and it will mankind this time . .
Only the souls who realize they are apart of the universe will be the ones to re-populate the earth . . . the other ones . . the ones who followed the bible, will just be more shadows that walk among us . . ghosts.
suvant, you are deaf . . just as mankind was deaf when Jesus tried to tell them . . they had their own agenda, much like christianity does today . . .
You'll see, when you die.
However, I won't die, ever, I'll live forever . . because I know I am.
I know I am God.
Your God? Right... and I'm Martin Luther King. No human knows all the facts about religion and where it came from. Man is still trying to put all the pieces together, which in my opinion will never happen. God, I say to everyone is within u. God is something u feel because he is within u. The people in Christ days and b4 christ hide scriptures because just like now they were afriad of the truth. During that time people had their customs and beliefs and if they found something that would go againist their beliefs it had to be destroyed. It was for the protection of their culture. I say to everyone everything u hear is not all the truth, u have to look into it urself. P- Angel have actually done his research and he should keep doing so. Everyone has their own individual beliefs. U can't change anyones mind about something they truly believe in its like telling a child that he or she mother doesn't love them when all they know is their mother.
How very very interesting. It makes me smile. I've been thinking deeply about the Christian perception of God. Things like Him being a jealous god...hypocritical since envy is one of the seven deadly sins. Also, the entire Book of Revelations...I think he just wants to be a hero-glorious in the eyes of the ignorant. How he saves the world from Satan and imprisons him once and for all. And hell seemed a bit far-fetched too. But I've mainly been thinking of God outside of this reality. Think about this. Writers are basically gods of their stories. And when we ask 'why did this have to happen?' because of whatever pain we experience, the answer is simple: It's what needed to happen. No matter how major or minor, it had to happen. This god...is this why these things happen? So he can conquer sin and look like a big hero? Why would he think like that? Why does he seek glory? What does he need it for? Especially in the eyes of a simple creation. Perhaps because he didn't create us? Interesting.
That's not the point. I think this is more about transcendance(sorry if that isn't spelled right) than righteousness. Granted good deeds are good, but as humans we shouldn't limit ourselves to just righteousness. Also in those terms we should be righteous because it's righteous instead of doing it because someone told us to.
Laydbak, honey
The bible in it self paints God to be Santa Claus
That's contradactry itself.
How can God be painted as Santa Claus when Santa is a pagan myth.
The bible is againist Paganism.
yes men wrote da bible
but Wasn't every book written by man?
It says that man is made in God's image so who are we supposedly idealizing then...ourselves
Exactly; God is within us.
Like I have said b4
God, I say to everyone is within u. God is something u feel
U can never know God if don't live for him.he will show up at u least expect. Most of the things we think we did in our lives by ourselves, when it was God. He works through us. ur body is ur body. ur soul is a another entity. Who u r is ur soul speaking, not ur body.
He never gives u more then u can bare
Laydbak u are taking that saying out of context. U really need to study a little more b4 u can make a logical response to things u read. His own image, yes. Jesus was a physical manifestation of God himself. Jesus rose lazares from the died, healed the sick and this is documented and is valid because we found. I really don't care If people don't believe or not thats their problem lol it's ur soul, not mine.
Posted by P-Angel
We ask all our lives, for things, for redemption, to save our souls . . but, do we ever stop to ponder . .
Who is God?
Where is She?
What is it She wants of us?
Are we sure we know this? Or, have we been led down the wrong road?

1) God isn't a she or a he, it's not gender specific. However most people believe it is a he.
2) Some say no where, others say everywhere.
3) To experience.
4) We still don't know for sure. Everypath could be the wrong path, we don't know for sure.