33 yr old Sagittarius player but very over sensitive and possessive AND might be cheating now!?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by aj123 on Monday, May 1, 2017 and has 5 replies.
Hi all,

I Met a 33 year old sagitarius man online in February (lots of gemini including venus, etc. in his chart so he was always very flirty, very over confident, very jokey/witty when it came to chasing me) (I am taurus sun but aquarius moon, venus aries, leo mars) and texted me 100s of times each day, sometimes talks to me on the phone for over an hour etc. and was very keen to meet up and drove about 2.5 hours to meet me, said I was better than he imagined I'd be etc., he was very touchy quite quickly (no shyness) and held hands with me within 2 hours of meeting up in person, asked for a kiss etc. but I was giving out positive signs/hints that I did like him too. He knows I am a virgin (have dated before but had a parental rule I had to wait until I'm 23 (don't ask why lol), and my birthday is this month. He knew this from when we met in February and was totally fine with it. I could tell from some of his info that his past relationships had broken down because of their "nagging" etc. but in all examples, he does seem a bit like the selfish one, expecting past gfs to accomodate to whatever he changed his plans to on holiday etc. Despite his confident nature, he did admit he'd had girls cheat on him in the past and even walked out of bed and never saw a past gf again due him noticing she was texting a guy. He seems to think cheating is the worst thing ever BUT I see him adding about 20 new random girls each week on his facebook and often likes about 5 girls' pics/selfies each day (usually different girls each day so not like it's always 1 particular one)..

Anyway, I've noticed with me he can often be very controlling regarding my clothes, trying to cover me up, he'll pull down even my sleeves so it covers my whole arm etc. and if I don't pick up the phone/text back within an hour, will always ask if I was on a date with another guy, doesn't like if I mention any guy friends etc. and gets quite annoyed if I make jokey comments like "my ex said the same" when he e.g. compliments my body or lips or eyes etc. and he'll always re-quote stuff I said months/weeks ago implying I'm promiscious etc. (he means with making out, verbally, mentally etc. not fully physically as I'm a virgin). He'll say "your past behaviour might trip things up in the future etc" which is all so mis-fitting with his naughty jokey player attitude with everything else BUT he does have a mars in scorpio so that might be the reason (the rest of his chart all seems air (gemini) and fire (sagittarius)). Even if I put a nice pic up, he'd ask whether I was getting ready to go on a date with someone.. BUT if I ever pull him up on it, he'll say "u can do whatever you want, people should do what they want" and he'll jokingly say he'd "had 5 girls today" etc.

It just makes me annoyed that he can be so FREE liking girls pics, adding new girls constantly, go out on 12 hour drinking benders (with guy mates I think as he does send pics with them) but no idea whose bed he ends up in, he usually won't be online for nearly 23 hours or so on such days whereas previous boyfriends who have gone out drinking will generally still be in contact texting a bit etc. whereas with me he'd make a big deal out of ME not answering the phone or taking a while to reply or going out anywhere etc.

Good points about him - he often drives the 2.5 hours to visit me, holds my hands tightly all the time, pays of drinks, buys me chocolate etc and generally texts me every morning.. but last Saturday, he was texting me all early afternoon but suddenly went offline around 3pm (I stopped texting back about 2pm since I was out and replied at 3.30pm).. he doesn't come back online all evening and only does at 1pm the NEXT day (I presume he had been on a bender again but he texts me saying "argh I fell asleep".. I didn't reply coz it was a blatant lie.. he can go out drinking if he wants but rude to lie about it to me, making me think maybe he had a one night stand?! as usually he tells me when he goes out with the boys... anyway, I didn't reply to his asleep excuse partly because I was busy.. he texts again in 3 hours asking how I am. I get home 6 hours after this and reply saying he was at the pub probably and that I was fine and asked him how he was.. he was online and ignored me for over 20 mins.. I texted again asking him if he got the previous text, he says no (lying as it had the two ticks) and I repeat ask him if he had been drinking the night before and he ignores the question and changes the topic which is so odd as he usually admits it.. the next 30 mins or so, he's giving 1 word answers and being generally a bit moody (maybe coz I didn't say where I had been all day)..

He texts me again today morning and we have a fun friendly convo from 11 to 12.15 (where he questions me the "adventures" I'd been having the day before).. anyway, as my birthday is coming up, I jokingly asked him what he'd be getting me as a present etc. and he said it sounded like I care about money/material posessesions over him (in a jokey way) and I said that isn't true because I chose him over a banker who asked me out on a date around the same time he did.. and if I was only interested in money, I wouldn't have done that.. he said that was a totally uncool thing for me to say.. I said if he had chosen me over a model, I'd have been happy enough and he asked why I was adding another subject to an argument and it wasn't needed.. I was confused and told him that I mentioned this only to prove my point that I am not bothered about dating someone rich..

anyway, he doesn't seem to be ok with it and says he has to get on with his day to day things and he'd chat soon... I said "if only you'd explain why u were offended but ok hope ur not angry at me, have a good day)...

He doesn't say anything YET he stays online for the next 9.5 hours (every few mins) clearly texting someone non-stop.. usually he only does that for flirting etc. with friends/family, it's not such a long texting session.. I don't know if he's flirting/ trying to date someone else now out of spite (he is a flirty type anyway so probs enjoys doing so).. he still hasn't said a word to me even though even days we're working, he'd text me every hour or so (we have over 5,000 texts over around 3 months) and today was a holiday..

Who was in the wrong and what would you do about it?

I think it's unfair as I only said it to make him feel better and given I'm willing to give out my virginity to him, I think he shouldn't always interrogate me and make me feel like I'm walking on egg shells.. despite being in his 30s, his main priority in life seems to be eating junk food, footie and playstation and he hates anyone telling him to do things repeatedly even though he's very forgetful. I am in my mid-20s and far more responsible and comprimising.. Sad

A sagitarius with a Gemini Venus?

Yea, I would run to
Posted by Harukka
Posted by Wynter
A sagitarius with a Gemini Venus?

Yea, I would run to
It's impossible for a sag to have gemini venus
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I partly do the same things this guy does. Sometimes I am online for like many hours and the reason is not that Iam chatting, my laptop is still open while I am somewhere else, I just don't close it. Also I sometimes don't appear online on social media for like 20+ hrs just to make people think that I am soooo busy and partying hard. Lol

I also used to add different girls that I met once and sometimes liked their pics just to make other girls jealous whenever I felt a girl played games on me even though I never gave a damn about either those girls or their pics. At least I have never liked any selfy, those are the worst stupid pics a girl can do.

But I am less demanding than this guy and would never text a girl each day, especially not in the morning. Guys should better say good night in the evening because chances are she will think more about her guy.

So he might play some games here