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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
I am your typical Sag!! outgoing, whitty, fun loving, easy going chick.
over the past year i have been having a hell of a time relating to people. i usually make friends with strangers on the bus but for some reason i havent been able too. I have had 2 new jobs in the past 2 years and made not a single pal at either place. I have moved to a new city and figured i would be ok leaving my pal's cause well i make friends easy but here i am 7 months in and spend all my time at home!!!
Can anyone relate? what the F is going on!! i usually have immedicate connections with people but Nadda, nothing, zip!!!
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Sep 03, 2013Comments: 13 · Posts: 892 · Topics: 47
Maybe your unknowing trying to make more meaningful connections. I don't know about others; but I've noticed because we Sagges tend to be so fun loving and accepting ; we tend to even accept superficiality. However, there comes a point in time in our lives(at least in mine) that we seek more meaningful connections with others, something more then just your typical friend you go out for drinks and party with.
It has been happening to me for sometime; and I've noticed that all my connections that have been kept long term are beyond the superficial; and are deeper then what I would usually look for.
However; it just could be me since I tend to be cautious anyways; and not many can get past "Hello." With me. So I aim for meaningful relationships of any kind; maybe cause deep down in nurturing by nature.
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Jan 02, 2014Comments: 24 · Posts: 1381 · Topics: 110
No Shorty.....You are not broken, It just feels that way.I am having trouble making friends as well, but this is due to me being very picky and selective of who I want as my circle of friends...I just have not met any females, that are about what I am about. I am not desperate for any friends, but I do want some good ones in my life, and everything is a process. When God is ready to put some good people our lives, he will...The universe always provide what we need...And we do need good female friends in our corner. Also, I have noticed that when we want something so bad, it tends to flee from us, but when we direct our energies elsewhere, what we want, will fall right into our laps, with out our manipulation....
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
How did you make peace with it? I always feel I need to please people. I'm not sure how to be content and happy alone..... I get very depressed
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
I don't know if its wanting to fill a void or a want for something meaningful. I feel like my life is never settled a deep connection would be wonderful. To have someone in my life who I connect with on another level that truly understands me would make me very happy.
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Sep 20, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 31
This is all really wonderful advise. I feel like over the past year i have been trying very hard to make changes however recently i have realized that i was making them for the wrong reason. i wanted to be a better person for everyone else but didnt take into consideration what i wanted for my self. I use to be very active, fit and that made me happy. I had hobbies... I meet my leo and my life became him!!. I didnt want to go to the gym because i wanted to be home with them... i wanted this fairy tale family where we would do things together with the kids and take trips and make memories. My ex husband was mean and abusive and had no interest in taking the kids on a holiday or movie or just going for a walk. my leo does!! so i got wrapped up in this family life which i love however i have lost my self. i felt like i would miss something if i wasnt home or maybe that the love would stop if i wasnt around. I am fearful to get back to the gym because im afraid in my current state of lazyiness that i will let my self down by not being into it like i use to be. I just want something I love doing that is just for me. something that I can be proud of accomplishing and maybe something that focuses all my negative engery into positive. Im a total hyper sensative person who things the worlds problems are because i did somthing to cause it. im tired of that i want my confidence back!!!