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Feb 25, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 706 · Topics: 91
i stopped by to give her a quote on everything last week and yesterday I offered to come fix the ceiling fan. She says to wait til Tuesday because her husband will be out of town again.
lol, i say he's gonna be wondering why stuff keeps getting fixed while he's out of town
so I went ahead and fixed the fan yesterday evening while they were both there
god, I hope I don't end up being the fall guy for the affair she's already had ... I know the husband is suspicious
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
just get your money dude.
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Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
Too funny. Harlequin romance novel *cough*
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Feb 25, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 706 · Topics: 91
So, after I left on Monday night, the husband (who I now know is a freaking scorp) went crazy on her ... kept her up most of the night yelling at her. Supposedly his outburst had nothing to do with me, but I'm sure he could tell that I was more familiar with his wife than he was about me.
The aries almost backed out on having me over again last night, and I almost back out on going (should have) ... I was tired anyway, she was clearly still upset and not much fun. So, we just smoked and drank and watched funny stuff on TV and kept on pretending that we're just friends hanging out.
lol, I was wishing the gay cock-block dude was there, he was more fun
she still wore tiny night wear, but seemed more self-conscious about it ... and it's weird, there was zero chemistry between us last night. I wasn't even feeling attracted to her. ...part of it was I felt guilty parking down the street and sneaking into her house like that. .... geeeze, how long before a neighbor notices and tips off the husband!
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 287 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
i can relate to the OP on some level as needing intensity and drama in his relationships. but in this case, your cruising for a bruising.
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Feb 25, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 706 · Topics: 91
lol DMV, the aqua called the other day ... her cousin couldn't stand to live with her either and is bailing (that's mean of me to say it like that, but damn, she kinda deserves it)
she's got this friend from HS that she's dating now and he and his daughter are moving in with the aqua for supposedly only a month until he can find a house. I had to hold back the laughter, poor guy.