Can any Sag men help me out? btw wtf is the big deal about sex

This topic was created in the Sagittarius Men forum by hellosaggy on Tuesday, December 5, 2017 and has 18 replies.
I was having this conversation with my friend.

I was comparing sex partners to Ice cream.

You can love vanilla ice cream, and its your favorite, you can add toppings to it, etc.

but sometimes you see caramel, chocolate, strawberry shortcake... and you want to sample it... and its good, or bad, or ehhhh, but you will always love vanilla.

and what's the big deal about sex outside of a monogamous relationship? There is no cheating involved. why is it that some woman ASSUME that just because a man is nice to her and treats her well he wants to be with her?

Why don't you just ask the damn question instead of making us look like we are jerks.... I don't need to love you to bone you. I'm not going to love you until after I have sex with you...and its going to take a damn while for it to actually happen. its just facts.

🙏🏻 I’ll pray for you
I think you need to understand what having a monogamous relationship means.




involving marriage to one person at a time.

having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a time.

having only one mate at a time.

Sounds like you want a polyamorous relationship:

Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners. It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy".
Posted by edgelord
Posted by RedemptionSong
Posted by justagirl
I think you need to understand what having a monogamous relationship means.




involving marriage to one person at a time.

having a sexual relationship with only one partner at a time.

having only one mate at a time.

Sounds like you want a polyamorous relationship:

Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners. It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy".

Exactly! If you want to be polyamorous then date other poly people. Not women looking for monogamy.

being poly means you have to share your partner too. and i don't see him letting his girl get dicked down by other men on the regular.

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hell no!
you get me @edgelord
So, you're a hypocritical shitbag. Got it.
If you agree to something and then break your word, that makes you a liar.

Plus from a health standpoint it’s pretty shitty to fuck someone raw and have them believing your exclusive.
I rarely have unprotected intercourse.... because I'm rarely in relationships....I should seriously own some stock in Trojan.... magnumsLaughing Winking

I'm dead serious about why don't you ask instead of assuming.

but seriously...I like you.... you like me..... hey lets enjoy each other's company.... and I see you once every week or so... that makes us automatically a couple?

I don't go days without communicating with someone I'm with, or even a day really. that might be my definition. every woman I am talking to now I hear from every other day or so, and it might just be 4 or 5 text going back and forth.

Posted by tiziani
Posted by UnicornSag
Posted by tiziani
Posted by hellosaggy

Why don't you just ask the damn question instead of making us look like we are jerks....

100% with you and I dig your work.

So I had this male friend who told me once a story about how he invited a girl to watch a movie and how she was so surprised he didn't make moves on her cause you know guys do that...and then he invites me to watch a movie lol how dumb man you think I am? lol ofc some time later he admitted he ended up having sex with her the next time lol unless you're ugly or in any other way unattractive it's a 99% men will do you if they get a chance(unless he's gay) surprise there lol
It is a jerk move to go out it the long way around. I dunno why he felt the need to work up a story.

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Yeah... what type of game is he playing... faking a situation to get you in a situation @unicornsag ? I can see getting OUT of a situation.... but to try to trick someone into something... nope not cool.

The only lies I can respect are those that don't hurt the other person.... I'd rather just not answer and stay honest. .... I know I probably just contradicted myself but it made sense to me lol

Posted by theflyingarrow
Find yourself an innocent girl as your emotional safety net

And then mess with married women or emotionally unavailable women or women who are in a relationship but dont want to get out..

That works for my ex. He seems happy living that life 😂


A wise sag you are *bowing*
Posted by hellosaggy
I rarely have unprotected intercourse.... because I'm rarely in relationships....I should seriously own some stock in Trojan.... magnumsLaughing Winking

I'm dead serious about why don't you ask instead of assuming.

but seriously...I like you.... you like me..... hey lets enjoy each other's company.... and I see you once every week or so... that makes us automatically a couple?

I don't go days without communicating with someone I'm with, or even a day really. that might be my definition. every woman I am talking to now I hear from every other day or so, and it might just be 4 or 5 text going back and forth.

I see what you mean when you break it down like that, but that's what you need to say when you feel you are dealing with someone that may be assuming its more than what it is. This is not your idea of building towards a relationship, you are just doing you being friends that's it. I can relate I been bamboozled like that rebounding with someone during a breakup with my guy. He tried to force a relationship upon me by assuming just because he had my time of day we were working towards a relationship and I had just got out of one. No I didn't come out and say hey I don't want to build but I never said I did either he knew my circumstances.
Posted by PayMeek_NoMind
Posted by hellosaggy
I rarely have unprotected intercourse.... because I'm rarely in relationships....I should seriously own some stock in Trojan.... magnumsLaughing Winking

I'm dead serious about why don't you ask instead of assuming.

but seriously...I like you.... you like me..... hey lets enjoy each other's company.... and I see you once every week or so... that makes us automatically a couple?

I don't go days without communicating with someone I'm with, or even a day really. that might be my definition. every woman I am talking to now I hear from every other day or so, and it might just be 4 or 5 text going back and forth.

I see what you mean when you break it down like that, but that's what you need to say when you feel you are dealing with someone that may be assuming its more than what it is. This is not your idea of building towards a relationship, you are just doing you being friends that's it. I can relate I been bamboozled like that rebounding with someone during a breakup with my guy. He tried to force a relationship upon me by assuming just because he had my time of day we were working towards a relationship and I had just got out of one. No I didn't come out and say hey I don't want to build but I never said I did either he knew my circumstances.
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That's why I don't assume and just go with the flow. I'm a romantic guy too, and I think that might give an impression of wanting a relationship. I always am sweet and do things for people I am interested in, it doesn't mean i'm interested in a relationship though. One girl thought I wanted her because she was telling me she was hungry and I asked her what was she thinking about eating and she told me, but said she couldn't leave work. I went and got it for her and brought it to her. I was just being nice (and I was sexing her)... its a nice gesture that's all.

I don't even really disappear... I just don't reach out. I rarely ever reach out first because, if we aren't building towards anything in my eyes why do I have to talk to you everyday, unless one of us wants something.... I honestly only want sex and company for a few hours. I really don't like non-physical interaction.
Posted by hellosaggy
I was having this conversation with my friend.

I was comparing sex partners to Ice cream.

You can love vanilla ice cream, and its your favorite, you can add toppings to it, etc.

but sometimes you see caramel, chocolate, strawberry shortcake... and you want to sample it... and its good, or bad, or ehhhh, but you will always love vanilla.

and what's the big deal about sex outside of a monogamous relationship? There is no cheating involved. why is it that some woman ASSUME that just because a man is nice to her and treats her well he wants to be with her?

Why don't you just ask the damn question instead of making us look like we are jerks.... I don't need to love you to bone you. I'm not going to love you until after I have sex with you...and its going to take a damn while for it to actually happen. its just facts.

this is why you're still single. lol
Posted by aquarius_man
@hellosaggy + @saggurl88 = L.O.V.E.

You both are honest and fun although saggy talks a lot. Well saggurl would too but she s heartbroken now and quiet, reflecting, and pondering
Why are you jealous love!!! 😍😍😘😘😘😘 Me and Saggy are the same sign which equals NO GOOD

Je T' aime 😘😘😘
Whoa.... whoa.... who said my life was a mess and I was unhappy about being single?

Oh and my dick is definitely not small.

But I’m dating multiple people and having plenty of sex. I’m not looking for a relationship, but I would entertain one.

12 more hours til Virgo shows up! 🎉👅

Nah it’s really about me. They all seem cool. Maybe it’s just my abandonment issues. I’m planning to move to LA at end of next year and I don’t really want to be with someone and leave east coast or feel obligated to bring them with me, but if I stumble upon one I will. It’s a lot to ask someone to leave their life and follow you. I’ve done it before and seen it multiple times. The resentment if things end...

So I’m not actively looking for someone.
MY web wife @edgelord gets me 🤗🙌🏾
ok.... Cap is officially on team saggy.... made out a lot last night and even though circumstances involving her girlfriend kept us from closing the deed...she took off for my birthday on Thursday... so hopefully i get some then.

A little hungover this morning, need to focus on getting myself right for the virgo this weekend.

thanks all the Caps for your assistance.... on maintaining patience...

I felt a little awkward about her telling me I should have screwed her a few weeks ago when she was drunk and she wouldn't have minded...but she's a nice girl and I'm going to attribute that to her liking me and not judging her for it.

I don't like drunk sex being the first time because consent is hard to judge.

Afterwards, I'm ok with it, but not the first time.