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Sep 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 501 · Topics: 35
I have a Capricorn Sun sign however I'm Sag Rising. Is anyone else here the same? WHow do you think this affects my Sun sign? Does this mean I'm seen as a Sag by others? What do you think?
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
It probably means you're good-looking. :-) Seriously, they also say that rising affects your physical appearance too and Sag rising folks are known to have pretty faces and good physiques.
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
It probably means you're good-looking. :-) Seriously, they also say that rising affects your physical appearance too and Sag rising folks are known to have pretty faces and good physiques.
I'm a prime example of this. I'm kidding. People are beautiful all the time. Especially when they eat.
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Sep 30, 2007Comments: 92 · Posts: 5629 · Topics: 56
it could mean that you are 'loud, funny, flirteous, gregarious, friendly, easy to talk to, a bit clumsy and strong boned (even if you are trim, you never look skinny or dainty but rugged)
Let's look at that list.
Loud: Check
Funny: Check
Flirtatious: No way, this is lie. How you doin'?
Gregarious: My name isn't Greg so I wouldn't know.
Friendly: I love people. I call anyone and everyone best friend.
Easy To Talk to: Maybe. Actual physical interaction would be required for this.
Clumsy: Sadly yes. Although it gets me into the sad puppy awww look at him he has a boo boo section where women can;t help but hug and hold me and kiss me all over. I use this to my advantage.
Strong boned and RUGGEDLY handsome with a devil may care attitude: Definitely.
"People may actually "underestimate" your mental potential all the time for you appear kinda 'childish'"
OH RLY?!?!?!?! Say it ain't so. Where's my ducky?
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
Capywife, tell me more about you. I am curious because i know this Cap Sun, Rising Sag guy and most of the time i completely understand and "get" him .. but then, WHAM! He confuses me. For instance, i always try to be supportive but sometimes when he is going through something like an issue at work or big decision he needs to make, he will just disappear. I realize this is common with Capricorn's but at the same time, i just don't understand it. I am an Aqua Sun, Virgo Rising and i just want to be there for him through the good and bad times. I've let him know that i am here when he needs me, but the waiting is hard for me. I'm the kind of gal "wears her heart on her sleeve" so to speak.
Anyhow, i thought maybe since you are also a Cap Sun, Sag Rising maybe you could shed some lite on this distancing thing. We are only friends, but i am curious, do Capy's do this with the ones the love as well?
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
Sagigoat, that is really interesting. And, my cappy has told me that his solitude is as a result of a disruption at work and he is trying to sort it out. I told him that i will be patient for him and respect his need for space, even though it is difficult for me to understand. I just want to be there for him. At any rate, i will respect his wishes.
You say that you wouldn't initiate contact in this "state", but you would only reply back. That is him as well. You also say that it would annoy you if someone didn't leave you alone after expressing your need for space ... so ... what's a girl to do? Is it best to just wait for him to resurface? I find this hard. I am not the smothering or mothering kind of person, but i am very caring and it bothers me know that anyone i care about is in turmoil and i am not there to help. I suppose it also makes me question whether or not he would fill my need for support should i ever need it.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
Sagigoat, i just realized that you and the cappy i am talking about have similar placements.
Sun is Cap,
Moon is Scorpio,
Venus is Capricorn,
Mars is Pisces
Rising is Sag.
His Mercury is also Capricorn, as is mine.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
Thanks Sagigoat. Your comments make sense to me and i will take your advice on the txt messaging. I may call on you again at some point if you don't mind, as you appear to be very much like the cappy in my life - except for your Moon signs.
As a side note, your comment "my moon is aqua so my emotions can be everywhere" ... i can relate to this since my Sun Sign is Aquarius and actually, my moon is Aries.