Posted by Sutekh
Its moon in Capricorn.
Posted by MzSagThe user who posted this message has hidden it.
I saw it.
Yeah, you're not going through the Pluto-Moon transit... YET!
You'll be aight, Enni. Even though the Moon is in its detriment in Capricorn, having the Moon in another sign is no better. We all have shit. It's all about your perspective.
A lot of users here seem to not like their Moon in Capricorn. I like mine... could be the way I was raised. Makes my skin thick... or at least makes it seem to others that I'm thick skinned. You don't wanna be a little pussy like those Cancer Mooners do ya? Or those irrational Scorpio Mooners?
I just offended half of the Sags on here...
Hahahahaclick to expand
Posted by MzSag
That's apart of the appeal, homie!
Totally get what you're saying, though.
Cap Moon definitely has it's dark tendencies... but I think that's why those with Sag Suns are blessed. We're able to pick ourselves back up and modify our thinking.
I think the key to handling such "dark" energy is to genuinely accept the way that you are. That's how Enni is! That's how MzSag is! Cap Moons brood... We harbor bad feelings... We're irrationally sensitive, yet extremely cold... Gotta embrace it!!
Oh gosh... Now I'm ready to preach.
*steps off soapbox*
Posted by Ennni
Moon in Capricorn makes me ...seem dark ...reserved...secretive....moody...quiet...
sometimes I am open.... and other days i'm close like many walls around me...
people think i'm hard to understand......scary...dark....but they get confused when i'm open...