close relationships

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by kym1209 on Sunday, March 18, 2007 and has 8 replies. i've been doing a lot of thinking about the friendships i have in my life. i love the close friends that i have to death but i'm beginning to think that i may be too much to handle. there has been some drama and i think some of it is me not thinking before i do things. i feel like i'm a bit selfish at times. two of my closest friends, who have been for the past 4 years now, have discussed some problems or concerns they have about me. it just makes me wonder if i'm really built for close relationships. it's not that i don't take what they have to say into consideration but my first instinct is to want to run and not deal with it. i've had this problem before that when people begin to have a problem with me, i move on to the next friend.
i don't know if it's a matter of them knowing too much about me that scares me, or a problem of not being liked. i'm sure it may be an issue of both, but it's beginning to make me feel like i do have some sort of issue that needs resolved.
hope everyone had a great st. patty's day! i know i did Winking
how far is too far? i really almost wish i can back up because i never wanted the stupid crazy mixed up shit i do to become topic of conversation or of anyone's worry but at the same time i set myself up for that when i talk about the situations to my closest friends. i feel i'm being a hypocrit, though, when i try to give advice to them.
i think i'm crazy
"hope everyone had a great st. patty's day! i know i did"
what kind of crazy mixed up shit are u talking about..
well friday was bad...that's what the crazy mixed up shit was about. my best friend (aqua) and i got into a huge fight...mostly my fault about this guy i used to hang out with and how he and his roommate had disrespected my friends by bringing up some business that that they had no reason bringing up and involving themselves in. basically...she thought i chose him over them when i thought they had left me. so they're was a misunderstanding but then other issues my friends have been having about me and what i'm doing came up. so yea, very emotional and drama filled night Sad.
saturday was good, though. had fun with a bunch of different people...went dancing, played some darts, watched some b-ball, had some green beer. drunken debauchery.
they're = there
Hello people,
I've heard so many complain about this "distance" issue with sags. I've also experienced it. I think Archer said it well when she said "can't differentiate between need, want, desire or obligation" I don't know what it is or what you guys need to work on, but people who are on the receiving end get hurt and it may not be intentional, but it just leaves people confused. I'm sure people who are aloof and or not so clingy, needy or whatever will be your everlasting friends, but people who love you need you care about you or just darn lust you will need a little more than just enough when you deem the time is proper.
My cousin is a Sagitarrius and she is one of my bestfriends. She has always had lots of friends and has kept her grade school friends (she is now 32yrs old), so i don't believe that ALL Sag's have an issue with keeping friends or being too distant. And, she is not over the top either. Her thoughts are very rational and she can put any situation into perspective.
What she does do that drives my nuts, is spread herself too thin ... she can't say no to people. It drives me crazy because sometimes she doesn't take enough care when it comes to "wasting" other peoples time or making them wait when she has plans with them. Maybe she is a bit too concerned about what people think about her and maybe that is why she always makes herself available ... to everyone! But at any rate, we all have our issues, don't we? Other than that, she has a heart of gold.
To follow up on my previous comments, i do have another female Sag friend whom i just started hanging around with last year and she told me that she has never had more than 1 close girlfriend at a time. In Highschool, girls didn't like her, but she got along great with the guys ... maybe that's why the girls didn't like her ... i dunno.
She seems to try pretty hard now though to maintain friendships and maybe she just took a little longer to figure herself out. Sometimes, you just have to take time to look at yourself from the outside, in, to figure out what others see in you. Tough to do, but it can be done. And you are right, the inclination is to just RUN, but you can't go through life running.