Cutting soul ties

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by arose32 on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 12 replies.
Hey my fellow saggies..

How long did it take you to completely heal from someone you loved?

And do you guys have any suggestions on completely healing? It's been six months already and I'm annoyed by the fact my Sag ex can still pull certain emotions out of me..

HELP!! Lol,

I feel like after six months.. I'm still back at square one.
My ex only loves having power over me...

And not feeling the emotions you used to. I get sad talking to her and she's so happy... I want to be over her completely. It's weak... And I'm better than that. I allowed her to treat me like I wasn't worthy, but you know... I don't get why I STILL CARE.
Posted by Deadpoop

How do you feel about these said ties?
I don't know what to do anymore.

She ran into a new person I'm talking to, it's like she won't go away.. And I have to be strong and keep moving forward.

I have tried a lot but once I talked to her for a day, it all came rushing back... Shouldn't this stop?
I still havent completely healed from my ex leo. 10 years and counting.

It doesnt help that my dating life has been nonexistent over those years.

What are you doing to move forward with your life? Not just physically but mentally. The reason soul ties are hard to cut is because we still expend soul energy into situations...whether they serve us well or not. It's easier said then done but once you actually stop thinking of her, your soul will stop calling to her. That's why she keeps showing up only to do the same thing. It is you that must change your thought pattern and sending signals to her. The more you keep analyzing the situation the longer it will take to heal and move forward.
Okay... Thank you.

I'll work on it. How do I make my soul not call out lol. Why is my soul calling out when it knows I'm working HARD to never go back to that. We've endured enough torture for a couple lifetimes in that relationship and yet I still get sad about it.. WHEN I KNOW I DESERVE BETTER. I'm mad at myself seriously, but I'll pray on it and keep working hard... I can not go back to that.
Posted by DMV
I still havent completely healed from my ex leo. 10 years and counting.

It doesnt help that my dating life has been nonexistent over those years.
I'm meeting new people.. Etc.. It's just confusing. I never thought we would stop talking, and when she left it was like I was literally torn into two. (Sorry I'm a tad bit dramatic) but for real. Like my friends bought me headphones because they felt so bad for me... Knowing I was trying to be strong. So... Right when I get used to her leaving, her she comes... Like everything is okay...

And that's not fair to me.
But I'll put it at the back of my head and keep moving forward.. But it's like I'm back at phase one.
If you go back into this vicious circle you are wasting years of your life. Associate her mental image with something you find pathetic or disgusting, then tell it to go away....

Be firm with yourself....remove everything connected to her out of your life.
Posted by arose32
But I'll put it at the back of my head and keep moving forward.. But it's like I'm back at phase one.

I feel for you. It's a Venus in Scorpio thing as well remember.... I have no words as I'm still struggling a little but it gets easier with time. I don't get sad.. I am mad at the situation I'm in but I know deep down I will always have love for him too but that doesn't mean we can ever be together. we have karmic connection n it's slowly letting go on its own. I think time heals everything and the more you resist it will def persist... good luck.. smile
It just take time or a life changing catalyst
I did cut all ties but i thought I had it all under control and was ready to try and be cordial. But the resentment came and I just realized after six months, I'm still not where I wanted to be.

Thank you guys, for being supportive.