Do's and Don't of Saggitarian Girls ???

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Evo Fish on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 12 replies.
Alright needing some insight here from the saggi girls who know themselves well.Describe, what is it, you ppl LOVE to be done for you in a realtionship and what makes you ppl CRINGE...
they love a funny guy
I wouldn't mind a LITTLE more detail than that still lol
Someone who is honest, loyal, communicates well, fun, dances, smart, sweet, optimistic, friendly, not jealous or possesive, gives me space and trusts me, treats me like a queen but not in a materilistic way but an emotional way and they let me treat them like a king the same way, the have to have ambition, they can't ever tell me what to do but will ask me and I would probably do it, they have to put up with me sticking my foot in my mouth and not meaning to intentionally hurt them, they can't be needy or too emotional.
Does that help some?
so I guess being clingy, wouldn't be a godo thing huh ? lol
Clingy would definately be a bad thing.....
thanx girls for the input...much appreciated smile
dude, get some self respect, dont put up with too much ... walk before she teases u with the idea, and of course keep busy with ur life / hurt her tits also - oh and be nice
intelligent,spontaneous,funny,complments,flatter my ass,show me off,when seducing me I like to play innocent and say stop when I really want you to be aggresive hahahaahha
I know not to tease a Saggi for too long, synchonization is my thaanngg
hi i am a sag female, do's
be good in bed hahaha
be generous everyone hates a tight a*** haha
be charming, but noy sleezy
be funny i love a class clown but not all the time
never put us down
doubt us
jealous, paranoid
and ye big no no never dis the family hahaha, we treat our family like an itlian mafia, somebody gets in my family's face i get in yours hahaha
I have read that these girls are huge on honesty. They really get hurt if guyz are in any form of way dishonest them or doubt their honesty. Also these girlz look for humor and positivity in their relationships. Always try to be lighted and enthusiastic around her, dont ever get her to feel other places could be happier. Also never try to tie her down because the more you cling on to her the more she is going to get away. However dont be too distant and detached either, just get her to think that even if you guyz are a couple you each have your own individuality. She could be a wonder to have for a girlfriend.