
This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by saggurl88 on Saturday, March 9, 2013 and has 9 replies.
Sometimes I wonder about fantasies and why I don't have them. It says my venus in Scorpio is supposed to be very sexual. I am very passionate but I am logical and will just do whatever I want to do, therefore I don't need to create a fantasy if I can just do it. I think I am so uncreative sometimes and wish I knew what a real fantasy was supposed to be like. I don't know if I just lack the imagination because I am so logical or what?
Why are fantasies so great for people? As a Sagittarius, do you all fantasize much?
Posted by Ligeia
I fantasize far too often. Having a water Moon will do that
to you. It's great to just indulge in the what if boundless
landscape of your mind's imagination. This is generally speaking.
Don't know if you're meaning sexual fantasies here because you did
mention it once.

I have a Cancer moon, but now I realize that I may be too realistic for fantasies. If I don't think it will happen I dismiss it. Now I'm sad cause that really shows how much I lack a damn imagination!!!
I was talking about sexual ones. Usually daydreams are me planning how I want certain things to go or rerunning scenarios in my mind. I do that a lot.
Posted by DawnOfDay
My ultimate fantasy is to be stranded on a desert island with two men (a Gem and a Sag), and every day they??ll compete in different challenges, in order to win a night with me.

Um love this
it may have to do with the synastry you have wit people. with me, certain people bring out certain fantasies. this one guy once to literally have a fight with me and then make sweet baby making love to me.
so, id say its not you..its them smile
by the way, what has been your craziest fantasy?
*once = wants
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DMV
it may have to do with the synastry you have wit people. with me, certain people bring out certain fantasies. this one guy once to literally have a fight with me and then make sweet baby making love to me.
so, id say its not you..its them smile
by the way, what has been your craziest fantasy?

Good point DMV on the synastry thing.
So what kind of fighting we talking?

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definitely not pillow! he wants to throw punches. i dont get it. whatever floats his boat.
Posted by Sutekh
I aim for the stars. I fantasize a bit. I fantasize about doing things with a specific woman and when it's off their limits Im severely disappointed, and when I can't get them to do it. :/
I agree with Dmv though about synastry
When woman has Venus , moon, mars sagittarius and it its my Uranus, neptune, or jupiter, sun. They're like wide open LOL i see it in their eyes and they have like no inhibitions.

i agree with the planets youve laid out. is also like to add that your pluto in the 1st can be quite convincing.
a girl asked you to take a shit on her?
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by Ligeia
The bat in your little fantasy worries me. Where you
think you going with that lmao. A waterbed ahh shit cue
the 70's porn music. Harem BDSM at Sutekh's place Tongue

why YOU worried about the bat though. Im using the bat >Big Grin . 5 women pileup me behind 1, who is inside another, whose inside another, whose inside another >Big Grin
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So is the bat an extension of you plowing through all these women. Lol at least that's one way of getting the job done. Lol very creative. Winking