First Date = AWESOME, but need help decoding this Sag Man’s post-date behavior. HELP!

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Zodiaclove88 on Thursday, July 26, 2018 and has 1 replies.
For reference, I am a Leo(sun)/Libra(moon)/Cancer(Venus). My enneagram is a 4w3 and my MBTI is an ENFJ.

The guy that I am referring to is a Sagittarius(sun)/Taurus(moon)/Capricorn(Venus). His enneagram is a 6w5 and his MBTI is an ISFJ.

We met online and I am very hesitant about jumping in and talking to someone offline, but I felt that that based on our conversation that this man had made me feel comfortable to do so and meet in person. The date went really well and he was following up, flirty, and chatty for the next day or so afterwards, but no ask of a second date and when I made a recommendation of doing something this weekend his response was “that could happen, what are your plans?” And when I told him that I was off he hasn’t responded. It’s been two days. Is this an instance of someone “not that into me”? Am I overreacting?

Help me out and fill me in guys. Please smile