what does it mean, when a guy at 30 says to a Girl at 20, that he likes her sp much, always texting her and found a day to meet up. And tells me, that "I am scared of you" in a funny way. And also tells me, that he has never liked younger girls, but that there is something with me. Now he had pushed away and wants to "move" our date. What does this mean guys? We havn't texted 4 weeks now. Last time, he said he does not want long distance, but that he likes me? I just dont get this, because I think if you wanted someone in the first place, then you just dont push away like that?
He feels guilty for liking a girl so young. Feels wrong. Or... "why is she interested in me? she's young...she could have anyone she wants. I'm scared of her... she's not like the others, maybe she deserves better than my ass."
Or you could just ask what his deal is.
Also I gotta say it's not worth it, he's insecure, has hangups, is not confident about meeting you. He'll act a fool and won't perform well in bed due to his guilt. Go big or go home---play up being a young girl that wants him and that's that---if he rejects, he can fuck off. He already knows other men younger and better than him probably want you, he's already pathetic to admit this with his insecurities and feelings about you being so young.