Gift ideas?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by MyStarsShine on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 12 replies.
Hi Sagi people. smile

Any ideas for an 18th birthday gift. It's for a male...Sag sun with Scorpio moon


What does he like? Interests? Hobbies?
Posted by Virgorean
What does he like? Interests? Hobbies?


He is mad into music....plays guitar and sings

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Virgorean
What does he like? Interests? Hobbies?


He is mad into music....plays guitar and sings

click to expand
Tickets to one of his favorite bands-the more in house, the better Winking.

Sorry I just realized this is on the Sag forum. Have to say I love Sags. My best friend is a Sag and I work with quite a bit. I find them to be positive and bubbly.
Thank you for the suggestion, i will take a look around and see what is coming up

He is likely very sentimental...

Anything thoughtful that is meaningful to both of you.

I like the concert ticket idea

Or maybe an autographed CD or something from his favorite artist
Posted by brianafay
He is likely very sentimental...

Anything thoughtful that is meaningful to both of you.

I like the concert ticket idea

Or maybe an autographed CD or something from his favorite artist

Thank you for the suggestion......very helpful


Ask him what he'd like - perhaps what he could use, right now.

Electric Guitar?

A tube amplifier, perhaps?

I play a Black Fender American Standard Strat with maple neck.

I had recently sold my '56 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop, with P90 pickups.

It sounds too similar to the Fender.

(A Les Paul with Humbuckers would be a better alternative to the P90, for

added tone options in the artist's pallet)

I currently play through a 40 Watt Fender Blues Deluxe RI. It's good, but I'm thinking

I may let it go.

If he plays electric, might share the link below with him.

This is a pretty sweet little tube amp for the price.

It uses vacuum tubes which is the only way to get real classic guitar tone.

It's all about tone. This particular model uses the EL84 tube or "valves", if you're across the pond, living in the land of lime.


You can also add effects pedals to tweek and shape your tone.

You can play it through a speaker or play silent and go through DI box

into the computer and record your work in the middle of the night.

VERY versatile.

Jimi Hendrix played a Fender Stratocaster through a Marshall 100

He used a vox Wah pedal.

Here, on Machine Gun, he is using a fuzz pedal. This recording was made

Live. That's how good Hendrix was.

Eric Clapton is another Strat user

As does David Gilmour. Here, starting at about 2:26 in this clip he

accompanies Richard Wright, who playing the keyboard.

George Thorogood plays an Gibson ES-125 with P90 pickups

Here, Slash plays a Les Paul with humbuckers in these two iconic songs.

PS, Star...

Remember, he's also a Scorpio Moon. - not 100% Sag.

Music is an art and music has to do with emotion.

Looks left.. looks right...

Crooked grin...

You know how we Scorpios are.

Stereotyped killers and victims who keep coming back.

(if you look carefully at the license plate on this Cadillac, at the end of clip, you see... 51-U342)

Numerology : 51/6-U3/6 and 42/6 = 666

Does this musical style appeal to him?? Does he play that way?

Or does he like this style and play this way?

Perhaps a mix of both???

Perhaps something like this?

mixed with this?

Or is it just me?

Is it that time flies or am I the one doin' the flyin'?

Thanks Mr F....he is a guy in our son's class so i wouldn't be buying him a guitar etc, but appreciate your input and videos. I used to headbang to Sweet Child O Mine Tongue. Loved the hip movements Axl used to do lol

Posted by MyStarsShine
Thanks Mr F....he is a guy in our son's class so i wouldn't be buying him a guitar etc, but appreciate your input and videos. I used to headbang to Sweet Child O Mine Tongue. Loved the hip movements Axl used to do lol

Every time I hear that song, I hear this line:

"she has eyes of the bluest skies"

"and toothpaste on her brain".

When you don't hear so good... you hear the strangest things.

Thanks guys for the suggestions!
