
This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by banini on Sunday, April 15, 2007 and has 14 replies.
How can I test to see if a Sagittarius female could be interested in me without seeming like a creep, if the only way I have of contacting her is on myspace?
Alright well look, I only met her once. It was at a bar and this guys birthday party, and I had a somewhat bad drinking experience, although it was still a lot of fun, and I added her later on myspace and said if she was single she should call me. She said that was cute and thanks for the compliment. Then one time she commented on a picture I had and thought my laundry basket was a beer keg. Anyway, now she is single, but that was all like a while ago. I dunno, I figure it's prolly not worth it if I have to try to think of a way to start a conversation on myspace. I think I should just know exactly what to say, otherwise she's not the right person.
i think you should randomly message her something a bit humorous. nothing too corny. i wouldn't ask her out to hang just yet. get to know her first over myspace a little bit since you won't really get to see her. then make the move. if she keeps talking to you, then you have to be sparking some kind of interest in her.
She called me a dork. I guess thats good.
I think she could be the one.
I like calling guys dorks.
really good. get her number now.
Well, I chickened out on the number, but I responded to "dork" by saying that my mom said that if I wanted people to like me I should just be myself. Pretty good huh.
haha cute.
try and meet her somewhere...dont be too obvious, just casually run in to her.
Well, I posted a comment advertising a comedy competition that I'm in, separately from the message I sent her, and then when she replied she asked about it and I told her to bring friends and stuff.
"Message posted by: banini on 4/18/2007 8:14:52 PM ip:
She called me a dork. I guess thats good.
I think she could be the one.
aww are too cute! smile
sounds good so far...and especially if you're a comedian...she will melt. haha
Hey you guys don't get my hopes up.
I am immature.
I have gemini moon. What am I supposedly trying to prove? That I'm not trying to prove anything?
Is this about me being immature? I have a gemini moon.