How weird

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by banini on Friday, September 22, 2006 and has 9 replies.
I just noticed, the sag board has the lowest number of threads out of all the signs, and the board with the absolute lowest number of threads is the travel board. Isn't sag like the sign of adventure and travel and stuff? I think thats weird.
They are probably all out adventuring. We dont like to talk as much as we like to do. I think it makes purrfect sense!! Sometimes the wisest of all are the ones that choose to say nothing.
They're probably doing the real thing.
We be busy!! LOL The internet is a big world, so even if we're at our computer we may be surfing!! So many things to do and see, if we commit to DXP then we miss so many more interesting things to either do or see!!! LOL Winking
kris~~ Technically when I chose that user name I was refering to being "Proud" as a person, and Sag was a description of who I am.
But yeah I guess you can also say I'm proud to be a Sag. I think when I first found this site and read through alot of the posts I was getting the impression that alot of people didn't like or understand Saggies, so in a way maybe I was "standing up" for my fellow Saggies as well as myself? If that makes since?
I've alway been a very "Proud" person, and have always loved being a Saggie...
kris~~ You know what I just reread your question!! LOL OOOPPPPSSS! (I am such a nut!) LOL
Although that is one of the reasons I love being a Saggie!! Being able to laugh off silly things is a great quality of Saggies!! I love knowing people can count on me for a laugh, I love knowing that If I really want to I can stun anyone with my determination to do whatever it is that I've set my sights on... Theres too much to mention, but there's alot I love about being a Sag.
I'm also close to the scorp cusp, so I also have alot of scorp qualities. And I think the two have rounded me into a pretty Proud person!!
I've always believed people should be Proud of who they are, and if you can't find Pride in yourself then maybe you need to do some self examining? I've learned from my mistakes, and have grown into a better person because of them, which explaines the Pride I have in myself and my accomplishments.
When is your birthday proudy? Mine is the 26th of Nov. and I've learned that puts me close to the cusp date myself. Just curious....
banini: We are too busy to be constantly into just one thing. We like variety and we get bored easily so, we might be on this sight for a while then, we might be somewhere else for a while and then so on and so forth. Besides, I rather be living my experiences more than just writing about them.
Funkhouse~~ Mine is also the 26th of November, the year I was born the cusp was on the 23rd so that puts me 3 days in....