I recently met an aquaguy.We had sex on the 3rd and 4th dates.I told him the following day after the 4th that I feel guilty us having sex cause we just met. He said he likes me and that I worry too much. I felt really bad about myself cause I usually dont have sex if Im not in a committed relationship.For some reason, when Im with him I do things out of control.On our 5th date I refused to be intimate but we ended up doing it anyway. Then, I acted distant and quiet the rest of the time we were together. I think its my way to get back control of myself and my way of telling him "Do you like me or just want me for sex?".Then I realized the way I acted was wrong. So I sent him a text to apologize.No respond. Called him no respond. Sunday I sent a text and called him again. No respond. Then sunday night he sent me a text saying: "Relax, Im not mad I just need time to think. I'll call you".What should I do? I like him and want this to progress. My other issue too is I think that he only uses me for sex.
My chart:
Rising Sign is in 26 Degrees Aquarius
Sun is in 29 Degrees Scorpio ( Im a Scorp-Sag cusp born Nov22)
Moon is in 20 Degrees Aries
Mercury is in 18 Degrees Sagittarius
Venus is in 15 Degrees Scorpio
Mars is in 08 Degrees Leo
Jupiter is in 04 Degrees Cancer.
Saturn is in 00 Degrees Virgo
Uranus is in 13 Degrees Scorpio
Neptune is in 15 Degrees Sagittarius
Pluto is in 15 Degrees Libra
His Chart:
Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Gemini
Sun is in 15 Degrees Aquarius
Moon is in 24 Degrees Taurus
Mercury is in 12 Degrees Aquarius
Venus is in 29 Degrees Sagittarius
Mars is in 11 Degrees Aquarius
Jupiter is in 02 Degrees Leo
Saturn is in 12 Degrees Virgo
Uranus is in 20 Degrees Scorpio
Neptune is in 19 Degrees Sagittarius
Pluto is in 19 Degrees Libra
Signed Up:
Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
from what i read, you need to keep venus in sag ppl interested, because we bore easily