Is cheating written in the stars?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by DwellingOnMove on Monday, April 27, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Do you remember that staistics of married and divorced people? Where Sagittarius was at place number 12*? Now there's another statistics about cheater signs. Here is Sagittarius at nr. 12 too.
1. Pisces 11.9%

2. Aries 9.9%

3. Taurus 9%

4. Aquarius 8.8%

5. Gemini 8.6%

6. Capricorn 8.5%

7. Cancer 8.4%

8. Leo 7.9%

9. Libra 7.7%

10. Virgo 7.4 %
11. Scorpio 7%
12. Sagittarius 4.9%
"The sign with the least number of sign ups was loyal and steady Sagittarius. Friendly, comfortable and content, it takes a lot to make this laidback sign look for an extra adventure outside of their relationship. They do however enjoy a flirt, and their fun loving nature could be easily enticed by showing them your lust for life and tender side. They also need a lot of space and hate to be tied down, so a Sagittarian who feels restricted could rebel by looking for a new mate to show a partner not to restrict their carefree ways."
[From link here]
* Marry in haste, repent at leisure. ~= So test therefore, who join forever, // If heart to heart be found together!
Yet another one:
"The notorious cheating/dating/affair-supporting website analyzed their members?? birthdays to figure out which zodiac signs have signed up for their site the most, and therefore, which zodiac signs are associated with people looking to cheat.
... The men who are least likely to cheat are Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Libra.
... The women who are least likely to cheat are Libra, Scorpio, and Taurus.
Sign Percent of US Population
Scorpio 0.094%

Virgo 0.093%

Gemini 0.092%

Pisces 0.090%

Libra 0.087%

Cancer 0.084%

Taurus 0.083%

Capricorn 0.082%

Aries 0.081%

Sagittarius 0.073%

Leo 0.071%

Aquarius 0.063%
[From link here]
In this discussion (
a Virgo brings a statistics. But without mentioning the souce.
"here's the statistics on who's likely to have affairs from an Intimate Encounter website
11.54 % Cancer
9.53 % Aries
8.99 % Gemini
8.56 % Leo
8.56 % Aquarius
8.27 % Libra
8.03 % Pisces
7.86 % Sagittarius
7.84 % Scorpio
7.82 % Capricorn
7.72 % Taurus
5.27 % Virgo"
Posted by clooneyyears

i see you don't like it.
Posted by clooneyyears
i just don't believe it. i've been in a few WTF situations with sags where they had a partner.

so your statistics is in conflict with the bigger one? in that case yours wins.
Posted by clooneyyears
virgo and sags seem to get off on a technicality. flirting isn't cheating... handjobs don't count...

What about handjobs are charity work, and visiting prostitutions are safeguarding employments? LOL
Besides who gives his real data when registering into FWB web sites?