It is final

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by jru2 on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 and has 8 replies.
My divorce is final; I am a single man.
You girls better watch out now Tongue
Well, the reason I had to delete my account was that I left some stuff on my ex's laptop last summer and forgot about it. I was looking for some file I needed to do the taxes, called her up and asked if she could look for it. She said she needed a password to get to my files on her computer ... like a dumbass I gave it to her. She found the file I needed, but then a couple hours later she called back furious. She found "something" I had written a long time ago to some girl probably. I don't even know what all she found, but she was mad ... and this is days before the final hearing for the divorce. I almost shit a brick.
Actually, I kinda thought she was over me and that she wouldn't have cared about it so much anyway. But, I was wrong, and now I feel bad letting that stuff get thrown in her face again. was her decision to be nosy though, right?
lol, I would have read everything I found if it were me Winking
Damn J...this was a marriage remember, not a random girlfriend.
oh dear...
glad you're back, J!

Sheesh.... will have to think twice about sag men. Your ex must have gotten a real hurt out of finding out the love letter.
Anyway, congrats. I remember my divorce. Even if you are single again, it feels strange to be announced that you have absolutely no past anymore with the person who was your life once.
the divorce was innitiated by me at the time.
I had a hard time thinking of marriage again although the man I was with proposed me for years and I was living with him.
I'd suggest you reconsider marriage ever.... unless you are absolutely, 100% sure that she is forever to stay. Honestly,... I would not recommend. But hey...
life is full of surprises. We have mates for each life stage.
Best to you. smile

Yeah man, take it easysmile
Sorry if I seem callus about the divorce ... it is just that it was something I should have done a long time ago. I see that now. Well, except I do think its better that the kids are older. I was able to build a better relation with them ... I'll always be their "dad" at least.
Thanks for the support guys.
On another note, I'm moving to Columbia, SC for work now. So, I won't have to worry about breaking up w/ the fish. Maybe I won't, I'm surprised by how much I'm gonna miss her.
Good luck with the new job.
So the fish grew on ya, sweet.
Good riddens Aries chick, lolTongue
The ladies of SC should be warned! lol
Oh, I'm still gonna meet the Aries one last time before I go. I guess she and I are just friends now though. Haha, but I'd still do her Tongue
Ha, and yes ... I'm definately looking to make new friends in SC
"I guess she and I are just friends now though. Haha, but I'd still do her" LOL such a sag. Best wishes j!smile