Leo Woman + Sagittarius Man

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by leodilemma19900730 on Sunday, December 20, 2015 and has 5 replies.
Hola smile

Not sure if I should've posted this on the Leo board or not but anywho so what's the 411 on Leo women and Sagittarius men? Are they compatible? Are Sagittarius men trustworthy? What are the cons to their relationship? All that good stuff lol.

Just want to know whatever I can about this relationship. Thanks!
Idk if this counts... But I talked to a Leo girl before (I'm a sag female) and to be honest... She showed me everything I want/need in a companion... Good luck man...

It was so passionate, the sex was amazing, and we could just sit there and talk... I knew when she was sad/down because I promise the girl would just glow.... We looked at each other and instantly smiled...

We fell on hard times, and was talking for like eight months and we decided to let it die... It wasn't easy and sometimes I still think of her... But I'm not going to chase her. I hope it works out for you though ... For real.
Personality wise, I know Leos and Sags can get along very well as friends. As far as trustworthiness? Well, look at it this way.. Every single Zodiac sign has its fair share of cheaters, as well as numerous trust worthy people born under that sign. I think a partner leaving you or cheating on you has way more to do with your sign incompatibility than it does with how a sign acts in general.
I get along very well as friends with leo fems. Relationship wise? Depends. Warm hearted and generous but that's offset by drama and bossiness.
my first and only boyfriend was a leo. he was lovable, yet too controlling for my taste.

i find leo's very underwhelming, but thats just me.