Love this Taurus guy, but why is he so mean to me?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by TicaLinda on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 and has 11 replies.
Hi my Sagittarius friends, I really need some advice. There is this guy I really like. I know him for about a year. When we first meet there was sparks and we ended up sleeping with each other and then he changed. I don't want to mess things up. I left him alone for a few days and all of the sudden he came knocking on my door. ( I was so surprised to see him) well he said some mean things to me, brought up things from the past and I'm always apologize and tell him I regret all the bad. ( He tends to bring up everything from the first time I stood him up and so on...) Ok so I didn't talk about our last encounter because I don't want to fight any more. He was a little weird but I played it off like I was really cool and we smoked some Bud. and I would look at him like normal. I almost want to say he was surprised that I didn't blow up or asked cause sometimes the look on his face was why aren't you asking me or why not fight more. I acted cool, made jokes, we chilled. Then when he was leaving. I was like "ok it was nice hanging out". and I started walking away. and He said hey, I turned around and he looked like he wanted to say something. He said "I'll be coming around ok?, I'll be coming around" I was like sure that's sound great when you want to, you're welcome to. ok my question is if he wished me a good life that was the end. Why did he come around? while fighting he told me he didn't find me attractive to sleep with any more, and was going to have some bicthes to kick my ass. I don't know why he acts this way, when I never talk to him that way ( mean) I don't want to make the moves any more. The reason why we fought last time is because I asked to be homie, lover, friends since he doesn't want a relationship. I'm confused. I'm a sagittarius. I don't even know how to act with him. Inside I dying to be with him. I miss the kisses we shared. Help me with some advice my Sag friends, I don't want to mess things up. But what I don't understand is why is he so mean to with his words. I'ma sag, he's a taurus. Thanks for your advice.
Yes but he was pissed when he said it. He knows Im not a fighter. I think it was more to scare me
Why do you love someone who is mean to you???
If someone is mean to me, I don't like them very much, cos they're exactly that- mean.
Mean is not code for anything else, it is unkind, insensitive, bullying, nasty, and small minded. Do you really need to deal with that?
You deserve better, everybody does...
Posted by wagtail
Why do you love someone who is mean to you???
If someone is mean to me, I don't like them very much, cos they're exactly that- mean.
Mean is not code for anything else, it is unkind, insensitive, bullying, nasty, and small minded. Do you really need to deal with that?
You deserve better, everybody does...

Wagtail, I was thinking of just stop talking to him. Today I was thinking to leave him alone, just disappear. I hate when he puts me down. Like if I have no feelings. We can talk for hours and hang out. But I have no idea this treatment.
I think it's time you made the choice to look after yourself a little better.
Trust me, you will attract a wonderful guy who cares for you once you love yourself first =)
You are not a doormat.
Who the hell is he anyways? Lol
I am a Taurus
the reason u still with him coz u enjoyed the moment sexing together
but I will say ...
BE CRUEL TO KICK HIS ASS & LEAVE HIM , make yourself available & get somebody who will treat you nice
the keyword is TO BE CRUEL
Naughty Taurus, I liked ur comment. I want to mean, I'm tired of him being this way. Do you think if I stay away he will notice? every time we fight we somehow start up again. How can I be cruel? like how? I almost think if he saw with another guy he would stop talking to me. It's like a cycle, I go thur my head. I want me him in my life, but not to be mean is there any way to turn the tables?
Taurus just nahhhhhhh
ok he seems like he doesn't really know what he wants from you..but yet if you decided to move on and find another guy he would be so JEALOUS..OK you need to tell him how you feel and ask him what he wants from you..basically lay the cards on the table
OP, I know u wrote a short post, but it doesnt all seem clear.