My birthdayyyy

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by CuddleBug1288 on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 and has 5 replies.
Hola peeps.

For my birthday, I wanna hear some positivity. What have you guys been doing for others, for no reason other than to help another human bean.

I give extra food from the meals I cook to neighbors - idk if I'll ever know how to cook for one or two people lol.

Have a good day ya'll! 💛🙃
Happy Birthday 🎂🎉🎁🎈

Bigger tips on Uber Eats! 👨🏿‍🍳
Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎊🎁

Lovely lady 💛💛💛

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Just got home from the store - I couldn't decide between some mini cupcakes or a couple slices of cheesecake so.. I got myself both! Why the hell not 💁🏻‍♀️😄

I'm sorry I haven't responded to all of you individually but I love hearing all of the kindness that I know dxp'ers are capable of - even you ppl who think you're not 🙃💛

The day has been off to a good start!
Happy Birthday!! 🎈🎉🎂

I’m working on my peace during Covid & transition and support to kids and a certain Leo to be the safe place for them to chill.