One more reason I love Sag girls

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by BoomShakalakaBoom on Thursday, July 11, 2013 and has 29 replies.
And feel blessed for attracting them like bees to honey..
Whenever I have one-night stands with them and after a couple of extra dates they want more and I dont..ultimately they will accept it, move on and become the coolest female friends/party buddies you could ever think of! Big Grin Havent met any other signs capable of this, with maybe Libra coming close.
So cool, sometimes it actually kind of makes me regret not having gone for more with them in the end lol
Gems would be on their way already to the next "shiny thing" Tongue
Sags would show a little more staying power since they need time to think of their next "big quest"
Feel free to list more than one more reason
Posted by Sagtastic1
So you see us as disposable sex slaves? Lol but seriously, what prevents you from wanting more?
It's easy for me to remain friends (as long as I get over the "break up" of course and the guy wasn't a complete douche) all my relationships are based on friendship.

It depends really, but mostly I decide to wanting or not wanting more purely based on the chemistry I feel, the intellectual connection and how physically/sexually attractive I find them. Im not looking for perfection at all, but in going for something serious with a girl, I know I deserve someone who would live up to those 3 things I mentioned reasonably.
Its not that I dont want something more because they are sags, on the contrary! lol Ive had a relationship with one before that started off as a one-night stand. It just hasnt happened again smile Im totally open to it though!
Posted by brianafay
Feel free to list more than one more reason

Dont be greedy Tongue you have an entire thread dedicated to that elsewhere! lol
which thread? please feel free to list more than one reason. I can do with some ego-boost for the moment mister from very closeby Amsterdam!
Hmmkay... hold on a sec
I also luv sag girls cause:
-They are the perfect balance between being lighthearted and having substance, meaning you can joke around with them and just as much you can talk about serious stuff with them, they love both...and me too!
Also cause when at times when Im not having a great day and I decide to go out at night, I always run into one of my Sag female friends and after some chatting and drinks with them I immediately feel way better!
I love Sag girls cause they dont hold back in anything they truly feel or anything they feel they should say. I absolutely adore them for this. Its pretty much what constitutes the perfect woman in my mind.
I love them cause...I feel Im going to end up marrying one Tongue
aaaawwhhh BoomShakala... you just made my evening!
smile I could go on and on and on...but I dont want your heads to become so big they wouldnt fit through the door lol
lol, you surely are in sag-mood today! Have to love it. Well.. I must say my ex-sag-partner will probably disagree with you on all levels... he's bitter and revengeful for me breaking up with him. But that's also a sag thing I guess, once we have made up our minds and decided a person is not fit for us anymore then there is almost no way back.
Cant blame him! I felt the same after my Sag ex broke up with me too all of a sudden, although I did move on from it and actually understood her decision in the end, so no hard feelings at all, just golden memories smile
boomshakala what is your sign?
Maagd Tongue
hahaha :-) had het kunnen weten ....
hehe ben je zelf een typische Boogschutter btw? smile
vrij typisch, alle kenmerken die je beschrijft is check, check and check ! Maar misschien niet zo netjes dat we hier op dit internationale forum in publiek in ons eigen taaltje verder gaan. Maar ben jij een typische maagd? zo op het eerste zicht lijkt mij van niet.
Ok true..lets not confuse these poor English-speaking souls lol but yeah you would be correct, Im far from being a textbook Virgo, I have way too much Leo and Sag in me to be that way..
I am a typical sag, but moon in virgo (as you can see in my avi)... I think that might be why I feel a 'connection' with virgo...
Nice!! Do you follow transits? Cause I just noticed that the moon just entered Virgo, coincidence? Dont think so smile
no, don't follow transits really. What should i make of a moon entering Virgo?
Well my moon is also in Virgo, so usually when the moon enters Virgo I feel more at peace with myself and with others, right now Im feeling really calm compared to the last couple of days!
interesting you say so... but not too sure the same goes for me. I didn't feel calm the last days and still don't feel calm really... dang !
Takes a special person to get me to be not detached
Posted by BoomShakalakaBoom
Well my moon is also in Virgo, so usually when the moon enters Virgo I feel more at peace with myself and with others, right now Im feeling really calm compared to the last couple of days!

I feel the same way when the moon enters scorpio
It's weird really how I feel so close and love being in a relationship with someone then one day BAM. I don't want it anymore.