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I love some Sagittarians. They are very optimistic and fun to be around. Yet there are others who you tell them something in confidence, they go blurt it out to your worst enemey! I can no longer trust Sagittarians and also they can be very hurtful. They
im having problems with my b/f and hes a libra. Well, hes barely spends time with me since hes always making money..and having fun with his friends.. and when he does spend time with me, its only for a few minutes, and hes just off again. And he doesnt re
Has anyone seen Rainbow male? He had such a lovely reply to one of my messages and then just disappeared. Maybe he is a lone gunman that comes to help and then rides off into the sunset.
I have decided to stay here in the USA to be with my kids. So, Kelly is looking into coming here from the UK. Does anyone out there have immigration experience or info to help us? Just thought I would ask here for help since we
I was just wondering what the weather is like in your neighborhoods?
I am in Canada and where I am I have sprinkles of rain. I just love walking when it is sprinkling out. You have the brisk air and light rain out but not enoug
I'm a Sadge female and can't figure out much about dating a 50 year old never married Capricorn male. I know all the books say it's not a match but I have a lot of earth signs in my chart. My dilemma is finding more about how they are in relationships.