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I was convinced that my Virgo was not a game player and that he was still interested in me, but now I'm not so sure. I thought he was just being shy or unsure or something. He keeps showing up at places where he knows I hang out and acting like he wants
I know a sag who borke up with his girlfriend and then proceeded to stalk the hell out of her for 6 months... the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life.
Yes, I am Pisces, St. Patty's Day baby, and sometimes Gems are hard for me to understand. Just wanted some insite from you other Gems. I have many gems in my life, yet NONE act, feel, their views or expressions, are anything a like. My mom-gemini-June
Help!!!! I am in utter turmoil and NEED some help. Almost 7 months ago my Pisces man stopped seeing me. No explanation/conversation/texts or e-mails..just stopped. He has never told me why and seeing him on a daily basis is eating me up. He seems to be t
Hey Ya'll, I want to take things with this Libra guy with caution, but now that I really look at it. I'm cautious about every thing I do. I want to get to know this guy as a real person other than this un-realistic image in my head that peo
There is a rumor that Capricorns are the best lovers of the zodiac when they feel stable and secure and can see the long term purpose of the union they are in. The focused determination of Saturn as a guiding light brings the same unequaled force into the