SAG MEN - they really are the best.

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Run262 on Thursday, February 12, 2009 and has 4 replies.
Just gotta come on here and brag a little.
My Sag man surprised me this morning first with an e-mail saying he would be coming to wisk me away from my office at lunch time to go to any place I wanted for lunch. Man shows up with 2 dozen roses he picked from the flower district we have in our town and arranged in a vase he bought last night - the one I just happened to point out 2 weeks ago from one of my favorite places: Smith and Hawken. He's incredible and yes he's a Sag and I'm an Aries and it just freakin' WORKS!!!
I give him all his freedom, he gives me mine, we don't crowd each other and in return we love and trust each other so unconditionally that it makes other's around us just sick. We both want nothing but for the other to succeed and be happy and we do whatever it takes to get there. I'm telling you, it's sick. One caveat though: it's the age - we're both a little older more wiser (i'm 40, he's 49); that's a huge factor. If we were 20 years younger, I don't think this would work out: I would be too immature, too impatient and he would be too occupied with exploring making sure he didn't commit to anyone. Just my two cents.
Carry on and Happy "early" Valentine's Day.
p.s. His reason to do this today and not tomorrow? To give me an extra day to enjoy it all.
Aries are awesomesmile Sag men are so cute when they are inlove! They want to treat their lady like a queen. Good to hearsmile
Awww Run262! I'm glad you have a Sag sweetie too! He sounds like a keeper. My Saggie and I went to art school together but didn't start dating until well after we graduated.
Our freshmen year we were learning how to print (we are photo nerds) and he made a mistake (very uncommon smile ). His photo of a house came out of the printer and the whole image was less than an inch big. I told him I was going to put it in a lockette and it would be our dream house. As a joke, i did it. Everyone thought it was funny.
Flash forward 4 years to our first Valentine's Day (this year). He gets me a lockette and I open it up and there are to very tiny pictures of his 2 snakes. (recent acquisitions) I laughed so f'n hard. He says "I figured you have one with our dream home and now one of our "babies"". Gotta love that off beat sense of humor....

My Saggi uncle visited me last weekend together with my father.
He is very amusing...happily married with a french Virgo woman. hardworking and nice people. loyal, funny and chaotic.