Sag Sun, Aries Moon, Venus in Scorpio

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by SCORPIOGYRL on Sunday, June 25, 2017 and has 8 replies.
My question... are they manipulative or should I take him seriously?

I've been in contact with a sun sag, aries moon venus in scorpio. I am scorp sun sag moon venus in Scorpio. He's a pretty happy guy usually but I explained to him that I have to stop seeing him. We started as friends and I feel he's more serious and wants more (sex). he was OK at first... over the past 2 weeks our texts have dwindled down which is fine. I text him last Sunday to wish him happy Father's day. He thanked me and said he misses me alot and I replied me too.

The following day he text me good morning as usual. I text back a few hours later like hey how was your weekend. He said good but sad. Then he starts talking about how he's going to Puerto Rico for months because he's so sad he misses his friends and needs to see his family. I figured he needed to take some time and space so I said I understand. Do what you need to do. I wondered what had triggered this but if he wanted to talk he would. I didn't hear from him for 2 days then Thurs.

He text me good morning how have you been? So i said good and you? He said I think someone is doing something to me. He's never talked like that before... he said he's just so sad. Something to do with his family and Well I was trying to offer support and encouragement and he asked me to call him. I had a meeting so i couldn't and he said that's OK don't call. I offered to call him when I was done and he said no don't bother. Jokingly I said Im calling anyways and if u don't answer then whatever. He went off on me saying I respected your decision when you said you couldn't see me anymore why can't you respect my decision when I ask you not to call me. So again i backed off. Then he said it's probably better like this you probably don't want to see me anyways. So I said it's not like that we already talked about this and you b know why so what are you acting brand new?

Why are you being cold toward me and I've been nothing but nice to you from day 1.

Anyways he said I know and thanked me. He just started going on about how he is so sad and mad at the same time and how he doesn't care about anything anymore. Nothing nothing nothing! Then he sends another text saying i don't even know if I want to live in this ugly fuxing world anymore. So i said you're depressed. He said I'm not depressed sweetie just fucking tired. He went on this rant talking about how he knows it sounds crazy and he's crying right now because he doesn't know what else to do. He tries to make everyone happy friends, people but inside he just wants to die.

I don't want to think Im the cause of this. I believe some outside source triggered this whole thing. The whole time we were cool he was so sweet, cheerful, fun loving so I take depression and suicide ideation seriously.

He started reminiscing about the first day we met and said that night was fun. I will never forget. So I'm thinking OK why is he going down memory lane? So I jumped on board because it was happy thoughts at least. So I said yes and I loved your stories. I felt like I was there! You know I'm always here for you.

Then he said but you don't want to see me You... remember you said that? So I offered to see him again and at first he was reluctant but I told him I just want to hug him and if he doesn't want to talk he doesn't have to. He agreed and we met Friday.

After just watching a movie for an hour he finally said you know what? I think I love you. Do You love me too? So I said yes but I don't! I care about him but I don't love him like that. I just felt like he was fragile so I just wanted to keep him cool.

He seemed back to his old self by the time we parted ways. He opened up, told me everything that had been happening and admitted when I said i couldn't see him anymore it messed him up.

I asked him if, he felt better and he said yes You always make everything right with me. I felt like I just got sucked into something.

He text me later. I love you. I text him back saying I care about you alot as far as love im not sure about that. Did I just get suckered back into a thing that I'm trying to get out of? I'm treading lightly not initiating any texts hopefully this will all blow over and if he tries it again I will call him out on it.
You're most likely more manipulative than him.
Manipulative? Who me? game recognize game... I would never play a suicide card or imply that I want to end my life... i didn't think sags were cut like that. I've only known him 2 months.
I am a sag with aries moon and Venus in Scorpio...and if I'm's best to just leave me alone'll get pulled into my world of emotions and I'll be all over the place...making you think I'm playing games ..just let us get over doesn't take long
Men are different though he may be a little damaged as well....I would not go as far as he did...
Posted by LadySagita
Posted by afroyandere
I am a sag with aries moon and Venus in Scorpio...and if I'm's best to just leave me alone'll get pulled into my world of emotions and I'll be all over the place...making you think I'm playing games ..just let us get over doesn't take long
^ This

I dont even hv this placement but I kinda hv an idea why he was all over the place..

Just leave him alone to regroup.. and when you meet him be fun and light.. that mind needs a distraction. Dont talk about emotions.

Emotions are draining for sags when they're not in the best mood.
click to expand

Yeah I don't try to pull him in emotionally because I know they are not real good with that. Like I feel the more I would have tried, the more he would have shut down. I felt like I needed to do something. I didn't want to leave him to drown if only to see where this was headed. When I offered to see him it was to give him a distraction that's why I told him we don't have to talk if you don't want to I just want to see you and give you a hug. When I walked into the room he looked troubled. He was balled up, I didn't ask any questions I gave him a hug and I was just there. And eventually without warning he just opened up. I think he just had a really bad week and the shyt just kept piling on and he couldn't escape it. I reassured him no one is performing voodoo on him and that sometimes when it rains it pours but it will get better you will see just weather the storm.

Even when he said he loved me I didn't make him elaborate I just wanted him to express himself freely. The air felt so much lighter by the time we parted ways. I felt like it was the right thing to do just to get him back on track. I am "releasing him into the water" again but I think he's in a better emotional place to handle it. I'll check on him from time to time but I was just wondering will this be a revolving cycle.

Posted by afroyandere
Men are different though he may be a little damaged as well....I would not go as far as he did...
Yes I agree, he is a little damaged. He was in the war and has some PTSD. He's always been chill with me though. So I wasn't sure if he was having an episode or how his PTSD manifests itself and wanted to take precautions. It just scared and worried me because he never talked like that before but then again, I hadn't known him that long.

What set me off that it might be a tactic is when he initially reached out he made it seem like it was his family and other personal issues that was causing this episode and I do feel it added fuel to the fire but he kept pointing the finger back at me like BUT YOU said you didn't want to see me anymore and Don't you remember YOU said that to me because I will never forget it. So I'm like ??? its been 2 weeks??? Delayed reaction maybe??? Why didn't this come up 2 weeks ago?

Anyways... we'll see how it goes. I haven't heard from him since Saturday afternoon. When I did speak to him he told me he took some advice that I'd given him that really helped and he was planning on speaking to his son about some things we'd discussed Friday day and he just wanted to go over it with me. He seemed really appreciative and back to his old self so I really hope things work out!
Posted by Capmercury87

I think he wants to be inlove and have a life with you, but you don't feel the same and that's the acting out of depression.

I'm together with my sag sun and scorpio venus, I trust him now that he is older and more mature since we dated when I was a teen ager.

Scorpio Venus need their emotions taken care of, if he has feelings don't try to be his friend it will make it worse for him.

What is Your guys mars?
I somewhat agree but I don't think he wants a life with me. I think he just wants me in his life. Anyways his mars is in Capricorn, Mercury in Sagittarius.