sagittarian asses

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by realcommon on Monday, March 19, 2007 and has 9 replies.
my bf never keeps anything in his back pockets, and i call him strange.
i make fun of him all the time because of it, but he always says "it's so i can have the best possible ass for you, baby"
and i always smile and shake my head when he does.
but really, he's just a control freak w/ taurus rising Tongue
haha that's cute
unfortunately i don't know a mr. sagittauries since i'm new!
"But you have to love that sense of humour."
yeah but he's such a pervy mind sometimes it's hard to tell which truth he believes in.. it can be very annoying.. how would you guys deal with it? he says the opposite of what he means when he's very hurt, and i just want to look at him and poke him with my finger to make him squirm. he hates that at first.
that seems to be what i've noticed about him. when he's angry, he's more than blunt which scares me that he has such a temper, and the fact that he gets so quiet and red lets me know that something's not right. but when he's hurt he gets really snippy and cranky if he's comfortable enough to let you see that side of him. if we are out in public when it happens, he hides in his shell and just winds up having a miserable time. he must have a cancer moon or something (i don't even know his birthyear, and i don't even want to know because i'm afraid it will ruin things for me to look too deeply there), because he does get hurt easily though, which is what bothers me. it's really ridiculous sometimes, because he's the kind of person to just bring home a wounded animal one day. i like animals, but i think lines have to be drawn, especially with ones that havn't been socialized as pets.. he always gets injured from animals too, but the damn fool still won't leave them aloned
hahah i used to be the same way with animals...
oh yea i'm so the same way when will never hear the end of it when i'm words are like darts
how long have you guys been together?
"if he looks down, tell him he has a boogey in his nose.
when he realizes there isn't one and looks over at you confusedly, give him a screwy grin and move on"
and if he eats it then what? time to move on for real? TongueTongue
kym, the story: we've been on and off for a couple of years, only because i get sick of having to deal with him all the time. it's great when we are together, but then he gets into these nasty streaks and i don't feel like dealing with it. i press him on it and he makes excuses, so i say "fine, leave if you don't like it" and he does, just like an ass. he does his own thing for a while and then comes crawling back when he gets bored with the world. not a problem really, i just feel like we are wasting prime time to build intimacy. i do have cap rising, and i realize that i come off a tad over-ambitious, so i can see why he likes to wriggle from me. the problem is that i need stability, and i don't think i can do this for the rest of my life. can i knock him out or something? is there a part of the head i should be aiming for with my frying pan, to make him optimally submissive to my wishes?
archer go easy on sag, i think he fell as a child, and from the way it looks-- it doesn't seem like it will take much to confuse him Winking
he refuses to keep any phallus-shaped objects around, so that's a negatory. that damn taurus rising's a bitch though, i'm sure the bat would just break over his head.
well i have to keep an upperhand Winking besides, he knows i don't mess around.. he's got that wandering eye too, if i don't call him on it he looks over at me all guilty and then i have to just mess with his head, u know how that goes.
it's kind of funny.. i can usually read a person fairly well just by eyeing their behaviors, but he's so calm most of the time that i can't get any reading from him. i guess that's why i like him. i *have* to talk to him in order to know what's going on with him. it kind of forces the lines of communication open, even if we have nothing too important to say.