Sagittarian Males and Their Anger?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by LinaThaLibra on Thursday, April 13, 2017 and has 22 replies.
I have recently started dating my Sag for a lil over 4 months now and things have been going great. We have had our arguments, but squashed it and moved on. However, this last time was here goes.

My Sag was playing a game on my phone and read a text an old coworker had sent me (she asked about my how Sag was), He was not too happy to hear that I was telling people about him - which I personally find is weird. Anyways, he asked for my phone which I gave back to him thinking he would continue playing his game, but he had clicked on another conversation which I saw and snatched my phone back. he demanded I give my phone back and I locked it saying very calm, no, it's my phone - you can't have it. My Sag started to get upset proceeding to tell me off, accusing me of things and saying I am hiding things from him. I started laughing because he was starting to sound so ridiculous with all the crap that was coming out of his mouth. So in an attempt to deescalate the situation, I decided to turn my back and go to bed and that;s when I felt it - My Sag poured a full bottle of water on me!!! I think he expected me to lose my shit but I didn't, I grabbed my belongings and I left.

When I got home, I had gotten a text saying 'we really need to talk' and I let him know I will call him when I'm ready to talk. Anyways, about 12 hours pass and I haven't heard from him (which in understandable). So, for whatever reason I thought it was smart to go to his business to try and resolve it. When I arrived, he ignored me for 2 hours until he was ready to talk and finally when he was ready, all I got to ask him was if he thought it was okay to dump water on me and then he exploded. Exploded like an atomic bomb, calling me names, destroying everything in his path, saying he's done, making false accusations, saying I'm just like his ex - he even went to lengths of calling the cops on get me to leave. It was honestly so horrible.

I'm a Libra so I avoid conflict by all means and because I've seen how bad my Sag's temper can get, in my head I thought it was best for me to just remove myself from the situation to cool down. I'm giving him (and myself) a few days to cool down, but how long is too long with Sag? Lol, I'm ready to talk now.

And what is with him and his inability to control his anger? He is like an ape, banging his chest and yelling at the top of his lungs does he expect me to take him seriously when he acts so childish when he doesn't get his way?

And yes, I probably shouldn't have shown up to his work so soon, but I had to resolve the conflict. A part of me thinks, I am at fault - but then again, I think about my personal boundaries and privacy?

Help me out, I am literally losing my mind here ...I don't know what to do.
Yes, you are at fault. You said you'd talk to him when you were ready to talk and questioned the fact that it had been 12 hours and you didn't hear from your bf (catch 22 since you told him you'd talk to him when YOU were ready). Next, when you were "ready" you contacted him at work -- he's working for God's sake! I don't like to bring my bs to work as I've mentioned to y'all that when I come to work I wear my work hat from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Next, how much MORE are you going to take from your bf? Yeah, he's like a kid whose "mommy" took his pacifier from his mouth and he threw a temper tantrum. Saggies are NOT the only zodiac sign that has a "temper". He's use to getting his way, and his way was to turn the tables on you by informing you it was "over" (before you'd do this). Do you like to be compared to his ex-girlfriends? I added the plural which means more than one. I'm like you, I don't like confrontation, I don't play tit for tat, and I am not sarcastic. But, it's a catch 22 as I would have told off your Saggy and well, that's what he wants.

My ex-bf (I lived w/him for five years) Scorpio (and I've told this story for about 10,000 times now) had a temper. I left him after he cheated on me. He moved in the chickie he had an affair with, married her, and he threw his father-in-law from one room to another for stepping on his dog. He was arrested. Is this what you want? Don't you think the ex-girlfriends KNOW of his temper thus the reasons why they left him? A guy with a temper will tell you ANYTHING you want to hear; except the truth. He's not going to tell you his ex-girlfriends left him because he threw a full glass of water on their face. For him to have done this to you is an INSULT! What will happen next time when he doesn't get his way? Throw a dumb bell at you? Throw a pair of scissors at you? Next time will he punch/hit you? To you, you're not even looking at the inanimate object he threw at your face. It's as if he spit on your face and you're nonchalantly saying to yourself, "He did this because of something I DID".

If you want to remain with him that's YOUR choice. I'm sure you'll write back in 30 seconds instead of sitting there at your computer chair and reading between the lines again. You deserve BETTER than him!

I WON'T take any CRAP from ANY man, esp one that threw a glass of water on my face! Angry

Hug cyber hugs!



If you missed the red flag before, he just gave you a flag burning amber red with blue lights in the center.

When he texts to see you again, do not go running back.

Next stop may be him hitting you.

I am with the others, get out now. He wanted to end it, so let it end. Don't take him back, it will escalate faster than you realize. Don't believe him if he begs you to come back, think of yourself first, your safety and your loved ones safety.
Ur lucky he only threw water on u!

I would have punched u in the head while u slept ?

Saggs don't like there business in the streets. Saggs are str8 forward people most of the time. Libras (air signs) talk too much about other people's business. Stay away from fire and stick 2 air. Other air signs will be able to understand ur bs better
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Ur lucky he only threw water on u!

I would have punched u in the head while u slept ?

Saggs don't like there business in the streets. Saggs are str8 forward people most of the time. Libras (air signs) talk too much about other people's business. Stay away from fire and stick 2 air. Other air signs will be able to understand ur bs better
You would hit a woman you were dating because she showed you on her phone that she was telling a friend about you, something women do when they're smitten with a man?

You're psycho.
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I'm just exaggerating. But on a serious note, I would never open up to an air sign like that because I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of killing them.

Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Ur lucky he only threw water on u!

I would have punched u in the head while u slept ?

Saggs don't like there business in the streets. Saggs are str8 forward people most of the time. Libras (air signs) talk too much about other people's business. Stay away from fire and stick 2 air. Other air signs will be able to understand ur bs better
You would hit a woman you were dating because she showed you on her phone that she was telling a friend about you, something women do when they're smitten with a man?

You're psycho.
I'm just exaggerating. But on a serious note, I would never open up to an air sign like that because I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of killing them.

Sounds like you have a lot of dirt to keep hidden.
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What's understood doesn't need to be explained

Yea but he trusted and had an intimate relationship with an air sign, which was his mistake. She should let him go to save herself a beatdown ?
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Yea but he trusted and had an intimate relationship with an air sign, which was his mistake. She should let him go to save herself a beatdown ?
She didn't make a mistake, and he got mad over something stupid. It doesn't have anything to do with being a Sagittarius. It's the mindset of a man who is a player.
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I said he mad a mistake.....

Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Yea but he trusted and had an intimate relationship with an air sign, which was his mistake. She should let him go to save herself a beatdown ?
She didn't make a mistake, and he got mad over something stupid. It doesn't have anything to do with being a Sagittarius. It's the mindset of a man who is a player.
I said he mad a mistake.....

You said his mistake was trusting her. That wasn't his mistake. His mistake was acting like he was dating her when he obviously wasn't ready for that. Then he blamed her for it in a giant, immature, violent way.
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Man , in my eyes she's just as responsible. I'm not new to this game called life. I'm not new to human behavior. Ur mouth can get u into a lot of trouble

Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Yea but he trusted and had an intimate relationship with an air sign, which was his mistake. She should let him go to save herself a beatdown ?
She didn't make a mistake, and he got mad over something stupid. It doesn't have anything to do with being a Sagittarius. It's the mindset of a man who is a player.
I said he mad a mistake.....

You said his mistake was trusting her. That wasn't his mistake. His mistake was acting like he was dating her when he obviously wasn't ready for that. Then he blamed her for it in a giant, immature, violent way.
Man , in my eyes she's just as responsible. I'm not new to this game called life. I'm not new to human behavior. Ur mouth can get u into a lot of trouble

She was talking to a friend about her boyfriend. Do you want all of the women you date to keep you a secret? Why? That's unreasonable. It ain't happening. It doesn't matter what element her sign is in.
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There's more to the story than is being presented. I think it's funny he dumped water on her ? I'm taking notes from this guy. She should just leave him alone. Yes, I agree he should have just dipped out on her if he felt she had something to hide.

Posted by Whatthehell
Oh, there's also never an excuse for physical violence. It doesn't matter who does it. It doesn't matter what she says to you. It doesn't matter if she looks you dead in the eye and tells you you never made her cum. There are no words that should make you hit someone you love.
In life threatening situations anybody can get it
Look man, I don't hit women. Diff people display different traits in certain scenarios. You may display ur frustration with words, some people may stay quiet, some might want to get back at u, and some may want to fuck u up. This is life. If they can't understand each other's points of view ?move on
Posted by LinaThaLibra
I have recently started dating my Sag for a lil over 4 months now and things have been going great. We have had our arguments, but squashed it and moved on. However, this last time was here goes.

My Sag was playing a game on my phone and read a text an old coworker had sent me (she asked about my how Sag was), He was not too happy to hear that I was telling people about him - which I personally find is weird. Anyways, he asked for my phone which I gave back to him thinking he would continue playing his game, but he had clicked on another conversation which I saw and snatched my phone back. he demanded I give my phone back and I locked it saying very calm, no, it's my phone - you can't have it. My Sag started to get upset proceeding to tell me off, accusing me of things and saying I am hiding things from him. I started laughing because he was starting to sound so ridiculous with all the crap that was coming out of his mouth. So in an attempt to deescalate the situation, I decided to turn my back and go to bed and that;s when I felt it - My Sag poured a full bottle of water on me!!! I think he expected me to lose my shit but I didn't, I grabbed my belongings and I left.

When I got home, I had gotten a text saying 'we really need to talk' and I let him know I will call him when I'm ready to talk. Anyways, about 12 hours pass and I haven't heard from him (which in understandable). So, for whatever reason I thought it was smart to go to his business to try and resolve it. When I arrived, he ignored me for 2 hours until he was ready to talk and finally when he was ready, all I got to ask him was if he thought it was okay to dump water on me and then he exploded. Exploded like an atomic bomb, calling me names, destroying everything in his path, saying he's done, making false accusations, saying I'm just like his ex - he even went to lengths of calling the cops on get me to leave. It was honestly so horrible.

I'm a Libra so I avoid conflict by all means and because I've seen how bad my Sag's temper can get, in my head I thought it was best for me to just remove myself from the situation to cool down. I'm giving him (and myself) a few days to cool down, but how long is too long with Sag? Lol, I'm ready to talk now.

And what is with him and his inability to control his anger? He is like an ape, banging his chest and yelling at the top of his lungs does he expect me to take him seriously when he acts so childish when he doesn't get his way?

And yes, I probably shouldn't have shown up to his work so soon, but I had to resolve the conflict. A part of me thinks, I am at fault - but then again, I think about my personal boundaries and privacy?

Help me out, I am literally losing my mind here ...I don't know what to do.
It's called being a fire sun. Sag anger can you be quite odd, because normally they are jolly, sociable, and charming. From what I've seen Sag male anger is pretty random and comes in huge waves. As a Leo I can easily just ignore it and let them vent. I can see why that would throw a sign like Libra off balance though. The best bet would to be just roll with their craziness, and let them be the way they are. I honestly don't know if it's possible to tame and control a young fire sign, especially Sagittarius. You either roll with it or get away quick.
I personally think that as s sag he thought you were hiding things and of course his mind was probably thinking the worse. Regardless of what he thought calling you names, rasing his voice and pouring water on you was out of line, he disrespected you and it's okay to let him know he crossed the line. You need to set limits and guidelines before it's too late. Tell him that you both need to sit and talk or if he doesn't agree then call it quits. He needs to understand that his behavior wasn't okay and he must learn to control himself and talk before jumping to conclusions then you can explain that there's nothing on your phone to be worried about and be willing to show him if it will help the situation to put his mind at peace. Communication can resolve any issue of misunderstanding. Good luck to you guys.


He explodes at every little thing and belittles you as he screams and ...

if he doesn't like being talked about,

he can just address it.

The name-calling, etc. is just unnecessary is disgusting. He needs to learn to be responsible to what he says to people.

And you don't have to stick around meanwhile he learns his overdue lesson.

Fuck him.
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Posted by Whatthehell
Posted by LazyK
Yea but he trusted and had an intimate relationship with an air sign, which was his mistake. She should let him go to save herself a beatdown ?
She didn't make a mistake, and he got mad over something stupid. It doesn't have anything to do with being a Sagittarius. It's the mindset of a man who is a player.
I said he mad a mistake.....

You said his mistake was trusting her. That wasn't his mistake. His mistake was acting like he was dating her when he obviously wasn't ready for that. Then he blamed her for it in a giant, immature, violent way.
Man , in my eyes she's just as responsible. I'm not new to this game called life. I'm not new to human behavior. Ur mouth can get u into a lot of trouble

She was talking to a friend about her boyfriend. Do you want all of the women you date to keep you a secret? Why? That's unreasonable. It ain't happening. It doesn't matter what element her sign is in.
There's more to the story than is being presented. I think it's funny he dumped water on her ? I'm taking notes from this guy. She should just leave him alone. Yes, I agree he should have just dipped out on her if he felt she had something to hide.

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What more to the story is there, that would make it okay to yell, belittle, and pour water on someone?
I'm gonna say the same thing I say on the Leo forum,

who cares if the zodiac for him is described as "great"?

He CHOSE to be shitty.

There are rotten apples in every batch and one does not ruin all. But not all are healthy.
OP... Whether you are a Libra and he is a Sag doesn't matter... I know different signs that were abusive to their significant others.

The point is, do not excuse this behavior because you just want things to go back to normal, don't blame yourself, and don't think this is a small thing. You could talk about it, but tell me if he doesn't blame his actions on you (most that have this kind of temper or immature mindset will.) Sure people can be upset at behaviors, we are all different and we have different baggage/triggers that come from past relationships. Which is why it is important to understand when things are not working out because you are just two different people early on. Or if you are able to talk about it in a mature way, without crossing any lines then stay.

But once they cross that line of getting physically abusive with you or showing you that they have that kind of temper, then that's different.

Four months in and he is demonstrating to you who he is! See it. Don't ask whether you should be with him. You shouldn't and you know it. That is not a healthy way to end a disagreement and I have to tell you, it WILL get worse.

If you want to live that life, tip toeing around his temper then stay... but if not, leave him.
Yes... the Sagg male I had the pleasure of knowing for a short time-- I was able to deduce-- via the stories he shared during our talks... He. Has. Quite. The. Temper. The kind that just might turn deadly. Usually it seems when he turns up, the other party usually backs down which is a good thing or else.
Posted by LinaThaLibra
I have recently started dating my Sag for a lil over 4 months now and things have been going great. We have had our arguments, but squashed it and moved on. However, this last time was here goes.

My Sag was playing a game on my phone and read a text an old coworker had sent me (she asked about my how Sag was), He was not too happy to hear that I was telling people about him - which I personally find is weird. Anyways, he asked for my phone which I gave back to him thinking he would continue playing his game, but he had clicked on another conversation which I saw and snatched my phone back. he demanded I give my phone back and I locked it saying very calm, no, it's my phone - you can't have it. My Sag started to get upset proceeding to tell me off, accusing me of things and saying I am hiding things from him. I started laughing because he was starting to sound so ridiculous with all the crap that was coming out of his mouth. So in an attempt to deescalate the situation, I decided to turn my back and go to bed and that;s when I felt it - My Sag poured a full bottle of water on me!!! I think he expected me to lose my shit but I didn't, I grabbed my belongings and I left.

When I got home, I had gotten a text saying 'we really need to talk' and I let him know I will call him when I'm ready to talk. Anyways, about 12 hours pass and I haven't heard from him (which in understandable). So, for whatever reason I thought it was smart to go to his business to try and resolve it. When I arrived, he ignored me for 2 hours until he was ready to talk and finally when he was ready, all I got to ask him was if he thought it was okay to dump water on me and then he exploded. Exploded like an atomic bomb, calling me names, destroying everything in his path, saying he's done, making false accusations, saying I'm just like his ex - he even went to lengths of calling the cops on get me to leave. It was honestly so horrible.

I'm a Libra so I avoid conflict by all means and because I've seen how bad my Sag's temper can get, in my head I thought it was best for me to just remove myself from the situation to cool down. I'm giving him (and myself) a few days to cool down, but how long is too long with Sag? Lol, I'm ready to talk now.

And what is with him and his inability to control his anger? He is like an ape, banging his chest and yelling at the top of his lungs does he expect me to take him seriously when he acts so childish when he doesn't get his way?

And yes, I probably shouldn't have shown up to his work so soon, but I had to resolve the conflict. A part of me thinks, I am at fault - but then again, I think about my personal boundaries and privacy?

Help me out, I am literally losing my mind here ...I don't know what to do.
Advice from a Sag male smile To answer your first question, no. While we may have a temper(this is typical of younger Sags) from time to time it never rises to the level you detailed in your post. If we do get that angry, we typically will leave to cool down rather than have it escalate further...and it is best to let us. We will usually cool down in a short amount of time and return to have a more mature discussion to resolve the issue. His behavior is of someone who is just plain violent and in that regard you already have your answer. I would simply tell him that you two need to part ways because he needs to resolve his issues. While you may forgive him, the trust is broken...or should be. That's your answer.

But I'd like to address something as well. To me, you also need to address your behavior. While I personally don't think you're a bad person, showing up to his job was more about embarrassing(like he embarrassed you with the water and phone) him than resolving an issue. You mentioned the amount of time that passed. The truth is you got angry when you didn't receive a swift apology or him constantly hitting you up and therefore you went to his place of employment to get the attention you wanted. Hence you mentioning the amount of time it took for him to see you. While I'm not blaming you for his're equally responsible for yours and your choices. Good luck

Posted by sagoya
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by LinaThaLibra
I have recently started dating my Sag for a lil over 4 months now and things have been going great. We have had our arguments, but squashed it and moved on. However, this last time was here goes.

My Sag was playing a game on my phone and read a text an old coworker had sent me (she asked about my how Sag was), He was not too happy to hear that I was telling people about him - which I personally find is weird. Anyways, he asked for my phone which I gave back to him thinking he would continue playing his game, but he had clicked on another conversation which I saw and snatched my phone back. he demanded I give my phone back and I locked it saying very calm, no, it's my phone - you can't have it. My Sag started to get upset proceeding to tell me off, accusing me of things and saying I am hiding things from him. I started laughing because he was starting to sound so ridiculous with all the crap that was coming out of his mouth. So in an attempt to deescalate the situation, I decided to turn my back and go to bed and that;s when I felt it - My Sag poured a full bottle of water on me!!! I think he expected me to lose my shit but I didn't, I grabbed my belongings and I left.

When I got home, I had gotten a text saying 'we really need to talk' and I let him know I will call him when I'm ready to talk. Anyways, about 12 hours pass and I haven't heard from him (which in understandable). So, for whatever reason I thought it was smart to go to his business to try and resolve it. When I arrived, he ignored me for 2 hours until he was ready to talk and finally when he was ready, all I got to ask him was if he thought it was okay to dump water on me and then he exploded. Exploded like an atomic bomb, calling me names, destroying everything in his path, saying he's done, making false accusations, saying I'm just like his ex - he even went to lengths of calling the cops on get me to leave. It was honestly so horrible.

I'm a Libra so I avoid conflict by all means and because I've seen how bad my Sag's temper can get, in my head I thought it was best for me to just remove myself from the situation to cool down. I'm giving him (and myself) a few days to cool down, but how long is too long with Sag? Lol, I'm ready to talk now.

And what is with him and his inability to control his anger? He is like an ape, banging his chest and yelling at the top of his lungs does he expect me to take him seriously when he acts so childish when he doesn't get his way?

And yes, I probably shouldn't have shown up to his work so soon, but I had to resolve the conflict. A part of me thinks, I am at fault - but then again, I think about my personal boundaries and privacy?

Help me out, I am literally losing my mind here ...I don't know what to do.
Advice from a Sag male smile To answer your first question, no. While we may have a temper(this is typical of younger Sags) from time to time it never rises to the level you detailed in your post. If we do get that angry, we typically will leave to cool down rather than have it escalate further...and it is best to let us. We will usually cool down in a short amount of time and return to have a more mature discussion to resolve the issue. His behavior is of someone who is just plain violent and in that regard you already have your answer. I would simply tell him that you two need to part ways because he needs to resolve his issues. While you may forgive him, the trust is broken...or should be. That's your answer.

But I'd like to address something as well. To me, you also need to address your behavior. While I personally don't think you're a bad person, showing up to his job was more about embarrassing(like he embarrassed you with the water and phone) him than resolving an issue. You mentioned the amount of time that passed. The truth is you got angry when you didn't receive a swift apology or him constantly hitting you up and therefore you went to his place of employment to get the attention you wanted. Hence you mentioning the amount of time it took for him to see you. While I'm not blaming you for his're equally responsible for yours and your choices. Good luck

" I started laughing because he was starting to sound so ridiculous with all the crap that was coming out of his mouth."

Did you read this part? ? that happened just before he poured water on her..

I never had someone laugh at me when my sag's temper is up in flame.

But if that happens, I think my reaction wont be pretty.. ?

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I did lol.