Sagittarius Ascendent

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by VeNuS ViXeN on Thursday, March 2, 2006 and has 7 replies.
i know what it means when your planet is in a certain sign, but i've never really studied ascendents. isn't rising sign how one comes off as? cuz i'm a taurus with a sagittarius rising. i have my moon in cancer, mercury in taurus, venus in aries, and mars in gemini. they're the most important ones, i guess. but yeah. it's all crazy how they shape a person up.. yep.
nm.. i don't know my rising sign is anymore. it's most likely sagitarrius, but i can't even be sure. i know the signs in the rest of my chart, but this ascendant thing is confusing. either this or aquarius. i'm fine with either, i'm just not sure which one i'm SUPPOSED to be fine with. ah well. i'm gonna go to sleep. . . ... .. .. .. .........
Hi Venus,
Although I know this, I thought the quickest and most thorough way to explain it would be to copy and paste from an expert, lol . . in other words I cheated. :x

What the Rising Sign means
The Ascendant is another name for the cusp of the first house. It marks the part of the Zodiac that is rising, or directly on the Eastern horizon, at the time of your birth. That?s why the sign of the Ascendant it is also called the rising sign.
The sign of the Ascendant describes:
the way you get things done
your mannerisms
your appearance
the side of you that you put forth when you are trying to make a good impression
It is at least as important as the Sun in your chart.

If you're unsure about what sign you're ascendant is in, send me a message with your birth time and place and I will find out for you.
awww thanx. you're so sweet. thanx for replying, too. i appreciate it bunches and bunches =]
You can also go to, register your info and get a print out of your chart from there. And it's free. smile
I just found out my rising sign is the Sag...Sun sign Gemini, Moon and Rising in Sagittarius...dude i'm screwed!
I'm more blunt, oppinionated and forth-right in my expression....I cuss alot, when I feel comfortable, as that is just my way of sayin' 'how the f**k are ya?!' in curssing it conveys feeling and honesty which I like to see/observe in people; it's the way a person let's down their barriers and relaxes in my opinion; I've made my sailor uncle's jaw drop!!....My rising/ascendant is 'tropically' Capricorn, whom is completely appauled by this behavior....I've gotten alot of dirty looks from caps Winking...but 'sidreally' my rising is in Sagitarius...I'd prefer to speak if it will move mountains; I don't care to talk to people/cookiemonsters who talk your damned ear off about what 'some friend of theirs did' wtf?! Why is that even important?! go talk to a damned lightning rod under a storm....perhaps not a mountain is moved, but my MOOD WILL BE!! lol Winking