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Mar 28, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 16
Hey, I posted in Capricorn a few weeks back about my Sagittarius ex with loads of Capricorn in her chart inc Venus, she has a Gemini moon too.
So she broke up with me, she also suffers with depression and I believe this has driven the break up. However she has kept in contact, texting, phone calls, visits etc
I visited her 3 weeks after the break up and I went there determined to look my best and she was shocked to see me, kept saying I look really good etc, we had this intense sexual stare off for about 30 secs which was amazing, ended up going out for food, drinks etc and it was emotional but she did reiterate her reasons for ending it, I stayed the night but nothing happened.
Anyway since then it’s been sporadic texts, she keeps in contact with my son through email etc (he is 8 yrs old) however I did see her on a dating site which sent me wobbling a little bit I kept my nerve and didn’t contact her about that.
2 weeks ago her sister came to visit and I get in really well with her and her bf, so my ex invited me around to join them for food and drinks and it was such a good night, next day she asked me to go and see pink in concert with them and then the night after that me and my son were invited to a bbq at hers so all in all positive?! But no sign of reconciliation.
Last week we didn’t speak much and I started to step away from her, she asked me if I could look after her dog for a week in August and normally I would say yes but I said no and she panicked, asking if I was ok etc, she then offered to help me with a part of my business that she had done before for me, I said maybe, she then said why don’t you call me and we can discuss it over the phone.
So I called her and 1hr and 20 mins later we ended the call and didn’t even discuss what we had intended to do, we caught up, laughed, she told me she has decided to work on herself to gain balance in her work and personal life (I always told her she needed to do this and one of the reasons we broke up is she neglected the relationship due to throwing herself in to work) she then asked me over to her house tonight to work on this piece for my business.
So Sagittarius friends!!! What on Earth is she doing?! She is actively dating but keeping me in her pocket as much as she can. Is this normal? I found the fact she told me she is changing and working on herself a massive thing because she never admits she needs to work on herself, her depression seems to have disappeared for now.
I believe we were soul mates and I was going to propose to her in June before she ended it, is this a normal Sagittarius behaviour? Is she just playing me because I brought so much positivity to her life?
I’m a Virgo sun, cancer moon and Leo Venus
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May 26, 2019Comments: 1551 · Posts: 3887 · Topics: 78
I’d say she is having trouble letting you go. It doesn’t really seem romantically wise, but as a friend or companion. Say no if you don’t want to be her friend.
Sometimes if someone is a safe place, it’s very comfortable to be around them and it’s hard to make a clean break.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
I would draw clear boundaries with her.
She just wants to be friends but you want more.
You're not going to get it with her.
Draw boundaries
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Jun 21, 2018Comments: 1997 · Posts: 3728 · Topics: 76
She sounds lost. Let her be
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
"however I did see her on a dating site which sent me wobbling a little bit I kept my nerve and didn’t contact her about that"
Did it show that she was active on the dating site? Cause sometimes people have old accounts they haven't taken down or logged into in a minute.
And that begs the questions, why were you on the dating site...?