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May 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 123 · Topics: 21
So I met this Sag who has been great.
Flowers, dinner, holds my hand, so respectful, met his friends, call and texts me all the time, never ignores my messages or calls, picks me up at the end of the night when i got out on my own with girlfriends. Complete cuddler too.. way too good to be true I think but I've never dated a Sag before.
Any insight on these guys would be helpful
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May 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 123 · Topics: 21
get bored?? oh man, what does that mean??
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Just remember that every woman when talking about their failing relationship describes their man as being "great/wonderful/perfect in the beginning."
As far as him getting bored with you...don't go all in, retain your mystique.
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May 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 123 · Topics: 21
ok well in that case should i back off and let him lead?
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May 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 123 · Topics: 21
Well the background here is that I went on vacation to Cuba and I met him there. We practically spent the entire week together.
We exchanged info and when he got back he messaged me so he could pick me up from the airport because I left Cuba a day after than him.
So while its still super new, we see talk and text every day. He goes out and buys flowers, and I could go on and on.
Long story short, our chemistry is great, the conversation comes easy and we laugh all the time together. He's a hard worker and a family guy. Seems to have great values and is open when we talk about things.
I let him tell me things instead of ask too much. His friends are great and we've all gone out together.
I think while this all seems so dreamy I might just pull back a bit to protect myself but keep everything honest with him and just enjoy being with him with zero expectations.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
Have sex with him and then come back to us.
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May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
Older Sag male here and I'll be back a little later to give you an inside view and opinion of us that's actually fair and non in people never say what it is they did to make the Sag do x,y, and z. We don't do 180s because we're "bored."
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May 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 123 · Topics: 21
Okay so i'll just remain on the same page since its all going well. He's going to help me paint my place this weekend and we're going to the mall to do some shopping he needs to get done.
He's actually 9 years younger than me and I have my reservations on age since I want something serious but I'm also never going to pressure him.
I'm not much of a critical person to others I just do things the way I like and I've learned to but open/ patient with guys since i lived with my brother for 3 years and learned a lot from it.
This guy seems like he's not afraid to invest in time with me so I'll give him the same with zero expectations.
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Apr 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 198 · Topics: 39
lol you're virgo and he is sag? Doomed. No, but honestly I've hardly seen these signs work out. Ever. Too many differences. IJS. But anything could happen. Maybe lol