Sagittarius Man cheated on me with my cousin. HELP

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by marie123 on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 16 replies.
I've been with my Sagittarius man for 2 months (not long at all) and we've seen each other everyday and have been inseparable. Last night I went to the club with my man and decided to bring my younger cousin who is my best friend and the only family I have. I ended up leaving the club early and my man had an after party where my cousin and the guy she is talking to attended. My man called me at 4am asking me to come back and stay with him but I said I was already in bed at home. The next day my cousin calls me in a laughing matter to tell me she got so drunk she made out with my boyfriend and the guy she's talking to won't speak to her again and saw everything. She never apologized to me. I hung up and texted my man and all he said was "I'm so sorry, I didn't want to believe that happened" I never responded and I plan on breaking up with him. What a sick joke. Can someone please tell me what I should do about my cousin though? My man is done in my eyes. Did he call me at 4am before or after he was grabbing on my cousin. Sick. I can't even look at my cousin or talk to her, my own damn family slapped me in the face.
Can you forgive them? Alcohol is the devil.
another dirt dog sag man, nothing new to see here. the women are kool tho. hard to believe they are associated really.
but as dmv said, it takes two to tango so....
Wow. Whats your cousins sign?
You need to find new surroundings.
Im confused as to what you need help with?
Also, did the sag in question form a spoken committed relationship with you?
Thanks everyone it means so much to hear your opinions.. My cousin not my "boyfriend" has texted me again since the incident. Shows everyone's true colors
My cousin nor my "boyfriend" **
My cousin would definitely get at least a slap in the friggin face. That's family and in my family we don't/can't cut each other off for good. We may go a few months without talking to each other and let things simmer down, but as far as ghosting a family member...we don't do that. But the rest of the family would support a good ole fashion ass whoopin in this situation. Hell, they might even help. As far as he is concerned, yes, you have the right idea...cut him off. Even if he hadn't expressed wanting anything serious with you, your cousin shouldn't be an acceptable substitute for his desire to make out. He should have excused himself and went elsewhere or asked you if he could join you. His actions are shitty, even if you guys were just casually dating. I hope the guy she was seeing dumps her too. Do you have a chain of command in your family where someone older or in the upper generation can reprimand her or at least cause her to feel ashamed? To my knowledge, we've NEVER had a situation like this in my family though relatives have been approached by significant others, my family members have NEVER acted on it and we have a pecking order in the family. We can go to the older people in the generation ahead of us and tell on each other. That's one of the things that keeps the people in my family in check. They don't want to be shamed by the older generation in the family and so far, we don't have anyone in the family who would support that kind of behavior. I know that life can be wild and carefree, but not that friggin carefree. That's just crossing a hard and fast line that exists for a reason. Hell, friends of the family can barely date or get with a family member. brothers' friends have NEVER been allowed to date me. I made out with one of them after seeing him on my mom's roof helping my brother repair her roof. That was sexy as hell and so was he. I made out with him in secret a few times and then he was paranoid, pulled me to the side and told me that my brothers threatened him within an inch of his life if they CAUGHT him in a compromising situation with me. He wasn't even allowed to ask me out on a proper date. They didn't like him for me. Meh...brothers sometimes know what's best. I left it alone instead of confronting them about it and I was over 30 at the time.
Posted by marie123
Thanks everyone it means so much to hear your opinions.. My cousin not my "boyfriend" has texted me again since the incident. Shows everyone's true colors

you wont hear from him if he wasnt your boyfriend in the first place.

single people are allowed to date and screw who ever
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by Wynter
Can you forgive them? Alcohol is the devil.

Alcohol is the devil but there are NO excuses!!! A man should "know his limitations" and stick with them....
click to expand

Shrug. She was asking about her cousin. I don't see why she should cut off her only family because of one drunken make out session. Especially over some guy who is a pig.

So when are you gonna beat her bitch ass?
Obviously never speak to him again. As far as she was concerned if she hasn't even bothered msging you again then she obviously doesn't care so unless she showed actual remorse I wouldn't speak to her again. Also I would go psyco at her to let her know that, that type of behaviour in unacceptable. No matter how drunk I've been i've never made out with someones boyfriend, alcohol is no excuse!
I'm pretty sure a lot of us no matter how intoxicated never flirted with or kissed or had sex with someone our loved ones were involved with.

So x them both out sweetie...some of these people are giving you excuses to forgive them because they've probably been in this situation before lol

If in time you want to rekindle things with your family. You know now to handle her with a long handled spoon and not let her into your personal world.