So, this ditz got a tattoo of her boyfriend on her arm...after a week of dating him. Zoom in and read the comments. Now,
Thoughts/opinions? I'm loving that they are once again, as opposed to s3, making the zombies a real threat.
hi aquas. need your advice. i have an aqua coworker whom i like and i need tips on how to attract him. there's this girl
Wynter inspired! As for me, just turkey! Damn diets!
This is the board I usually post on so, I just wanted to say thank you Virgo and Virgo lovers for providing me with alot
I'm not doing this crap anymore. Haven't seen this guy friend of mine in a month and then he contacts me Sunday how it's
I am a scorpio female who is intrigued by a much younger co-worker, and feel he is also curious, but there is quite an a