sagittarius women please tell me what you think

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by class-act-aries on Friday, September 21, 2007 and has 14 replies.
last october my love of the life sagitt left me for reasons still mostly unknown to me and i did not talk to her since. Sad we were together for 5 years
i mean i did send her txt for thanksgiving , her birthday in december , xmass and new year and she responded with at least a thank you but not at all to the new years wishes, i was little when my birthday came around in april ( same day of easters) she send me two msgs one for my bday and one for easters....i did not reply....i sat there with the phone in my hand for 30 min, i even typed a msg but did not send it....dont know why, guess i was hurt, mad that she only thought of me at my birthday but not for thanksgiving or xmass or new year
im not asking how to get back with her or anything like that...i need an opinion on something
this december it will be her 25th birthday and im thinking of writing her a letter jsu to see hows she doing and sending her something nice with a deep meaning
i was thinking nice ring with a small diamond and engraved
1. i will never forget you
2. happy 25th
3. or?????
maybe a necklace instead of a ring
and since we both liked to drink wine i have a bottle of 25 year old wine that i would give her
is this a good idea? what would you think if a guy you were with but did not hear from in over a year gave a present like that?
i dont want her to think im trying to win her back, its not what is about, i just want her to have something special for her 25th because i know that she wont get anything like that from her friends....and i dont even know if she is seeing anyone or not
i would hire a messenger or send it with small flowers...but not in person
what you all think?
CAA, itz rude for me to jump in like this, but I had to speak my mind Sad
She gave U so much of trouble and still U want to be nice to her ? Am not sure if U r associating Ur self-esteem to her blessings, but if itz true then U may not get any solace for a lifetime however hard U may try. Love is either bestowed upon U, snatched else abandoned, but U never beg for it.
Archie, do U have any sympathy for the girl in question ?
The position suits me Tongue
thanks everyone
i just want to make clear that by wanting to do this is it was only becasue i wanted her to have something special for her 25th....she was in my life when i turned 25 and that was the best gift
but some of you are right that a ring might give her the worng impression, but i doubt she would think of me as a looser or pathetic plea of wining her back, she knows me to well and this would be the last thing i would do.....i have pride and she knows it
i do think foundly of her even till this day, i just cant bring my self to think badly of her...yes it hurt and it felt like crap when she broke it off but it never feels good...but the 5 years we were together were great so i have way way way more good memories than bad in ratio 20:1
im not going to send her the ring. i will call her and wish her happy birth day over the phone, this is going to be the first time i dial her number in 14 sure i be the last person she be expecting a call from, than depending on what kind of a vibe i get over the phone ill send her the vintage wine with a card.
at least thats where i stand right now
any thought on the above^^^^????
sweetie i'm a true sagittarius. and honestly we seek the truth and we expect honesty at all times. call her. ask her if u guys could meet up to find out what she have been up to. take her out, and tell her face to face what she really meant to you all this time, what u wish you could have changed to make it better and that you realized u can't go on like this anymore and that you are finally letting go. Give her the gift, pay for the meal, and walk away. We hate that so much. The feeling that we caused damage in someone's heart. But it will have her thinking. The key my dear Aries man is complete honesty and open heart. What aries men are known for is "telling it like it is" as directly as possible, do so and then, let her go, romantically. It seems to me that she really needs a friend right now. Let God will do the rest.
I hope i helped a little.
Good Luck!!
thanks luvsick
i tried talking about it with her before the break up but she had her mind made up...whatever
she s not the same person anymore i loved,
but im not sure if i can handle the romantic way of telling her that im letting afraid that i will get teary eye in front of her....again.....
i would like for us to be friends and talk sometime.....but i dont think she wants that cuze she might think im trying to get back with her
i usually dont care about my ex and dont give a damn if i dont ever talk to them again but before her my longest relation ship lasted 6-9 months and this one was 5 years so its little different
ill just call her or maybe drop off a small gift at her house ...i was thinking a dvd of a movie we saw together for the first time with a short letter and a bottle of wine
or should i skip the movie? i dont want to send out wrong signals
luvsik here is the story how it went down
Class Act--I am a true Sag and have had my share of men who just didn't get it. The fact is that she felt trapped and needed to break free of you. Now how does anyone make something like that palatable to hear? Particularly if they care about you at all. Sag women are instinctual creatures, for all their tendency towards being high minded and scrupulously honest. You've been hurt. Horribly hurt from how you convey your feelings and your Aries ego has taken an enormous hit, as well. But don't compound your agony with humiliation by attempting to get some feeling from her that she may be incapable of giving you. And be honest with yourself. That sort of brutal honesty that I'm sure was an important part of your relationship with a Sag woman. Admit that on some level, you want this all to make sense and you want her to help you make sense of it by teasing out some of the same woman you fell so deeply in love with. You don't want to get back with her and that's for the best, because while she will likely always have tender feelings for you (the sort that make her think of you on your special day/birthday) she will always associate you with being reigned in, having clipped her wings. She's done, because the woman you'd end up with if she stayed or perhaps came back, would be unrecognizable to the both of you.
If it helps any, I stumbled across this website while researching personality traits of Sagittarians. It has been several years since I'd done so and needed a reminder of my own fabulousness. I am well over thirty and have enjoyed a life of torrid, passionate affairs where I bolted as soon as my lover tried to move his clothes in my closet, or started dropping hints about how nice it would be if I gave him a key to my house. Sag women are capable of inspiring intense, almost worshipful love. Case in point--you, my dear Class Act. Just remember--a Sag woman detests any sign of weakness in a man. Tears might turn us on, but for all the wrong reasons. You don't want her guilt, because that's what those tears were after she broke up with you. For herself, dear. But guilty tears, nevertheless.
I don't know if this will help and don't know if you've gotten over the wild one, but be kind to yourself. And try not to make any decisions that are not based on being honest about what end result you desire.
Hey bro!!!!!!!!! M a saggi too....and used to go around a saggi girl myself for 4 years whom i loved like hell..........untill she left me one day .givin me a shock of my life!!!!!!!!
Trust me or not..........i tried everything i could to get her back not, bcoz i can get another girl.......but only i loved her very much!!! but then i really saw what she actually was.....her true colour was clear to Me...........
bottom line is Never ever go after a saggi woman especially after u break up coz no matter how much she showz ya respect ................believe its all fake and bullshit
She gets bored wid a same guy easily and then tries to loose him wid all she's forget gifting her a ring and wine ..instead of that gift ur mom/dad a nice present on their birthday or an anniversary.......u'll be blessed for life
Sorry to hear about your deal. Im new to this site a Sag female , checking it out.
Id like to say that whenever I was done with a relationship and broke it off, for whatever reason. I never ever wanted to see or hear about it again. I just broke off a 5 year engagement, for good reason. No matter how many good times we had and sometimes how wonderful it was. If I recieved anything from him now a yr later. whether it be a mail, card, phonecall, or god especially a gift. I would freak out, bring up all the bad stuff, it would give me the creeps and I would feel compelled to have some kind of answer or reply. Which would be a situation I would not want to deal with.. Someone just asked me the other day if Id heard from him. God I hope not. Bottom line, I would not like anything at all ever, period its history for a reason. Sorry. Hope you can find a new girl to give all that stuff to.
super sag
maybe you did have reasons to break off your engagement , its not my position to judge
but take my word for it that i never done her wrong in any way, i was always loving and respectful but i wasnt a pushover too ...w e clicked good for 5 years and all of the sudden she just dropped the bomb on me
i didnt send her any of that stuff, and i have to say thank you thank you to all of you that told me not to, i would just feel dumb and humiliated
but i did send her birthday card on friday ( her bday was mon) and send her a txt msg via cellphone yesterday but she didnt even bothered to say thank you. im incredibly hurt by this.
its not like i tried to keep my self in her life or anything like that
we broke up 14 months ago and first time i tried any kind of contact was 2 months ago and it was only 2 txts msg, to which she just answered like i was a stranger......
this is so cold......i would never thought she could be like this
this is very hard for me
So, sorry to hear your pain, especially now before the Holidays.. Ive been there. Just remember one day this wont mean a thing to you and you will be in a brand new relationship that will be the greatest one for you.
The problem with Sag women is that they are way too easy to fall in love with. They don't even have to try.