SAGS & Sentimentality...

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Montgomery on Thursday, January 1, 2015 and has 8 replies.
SAGS & Sentimentality

Happy New Year, Sags smile

Would you say that you are sentimental creatures?
I wouldn't be inclined to put that label on your
sign, but the Sags I know are VERY sentimental,
holding on to items long past their usefulness
because it reminds them of or it belonged to someone
they love, dearly.

Is it true, or is it your Moon/Venus?
Who do you think is the most sentimental of all?
Is being sentimental important to you?
Do you need it from your lover?
I believe I am sentimental and I am a now maybe Taurus and Sagittarius are the most sentimental type of people.. do you argee or not?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Who do you think is the most sentimental of all?

I have no idea--

I'm curious about Sags, in particular... hence the thread.

I am not a Sag. but my best friend is of over 10 years. She is very sentimental... now that I think about it. She is almost all Sag... but has some Scorpio and I believe a rising Aries.
She is very loyal and some times has some issues ending relationships because of it. Not because anything bad happened but because she will date a guy fall in love and there is no practical future. Meaning she knows it would never work out her self but she still stays with him for a bit. She does like when she finds a man that can satisfy her sexual needs the way she likes... that may have something to do with it.
I gave her an Onyx pendent to help protect her from negative energy and she says she never takes it off unless she has to. Even when she does it is normally in her pocket or bag... but she always makes sure it is safe. I did make sure it was a style of something she would like and match what ever...
Iwill, who do you think is most sentimental that you have met in your life?
Hi beautiful haven't seen you around. But for your information we never forget and we will always care and hate to let go when it has to be.
On other things.. focus on me
Aim your love towards me
And bring the heat I am ready. Lol
"holding on to items long past their usefulness because it reminds them of or it belonged to someone they love, dearly."
guilty here.
Moon in Pisces, Venus in Sag, SN in Cap (in 2nd house)
why do all these non-sags/wanna be-sags keep flooding this thread? Tongue we are interested in Sag sun feedback.
Posted by mariathesag

Scorp moon - I keep text messages.

My Sag/Virgo moon friend kept a voicemail--
for years.