Scorp guy sag girl. yay or nay?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Jerrod1357 on Monday, February 28, 2011 and has 12 replies.
Just recently this sag girl made contact with me out of the blue and started talking to me. Asking all kinds of questions about me trying to get to know me (we have alot of mutual friends but dont know eachother). She would ask things like "what am i doing with my life" and my goals etc.
And shes really straight forward and seems like she knows what she wants and is very goal oriented. No nonsense type of girl. She seemed to be very happy and more interested in me after i told her about all the responsibilities i have and my future plans yada yada yada. Like she was testing me or something. And this really caught my attention!
I love when girls are straight forward and dont bull $ h!t about stuff. But i've never been involved with a sag girl other than a hook up.
Out of curiosity, anyoneone heard stories or have experience in scorp guy/sag girl relationships.
P.S. I'm not a "pro" at reading chart info, but in my chart i see alot of sag lol. Maybe that plays a part in my interest?
ah what the hell, why not?
I'll give you my two cents since im a sagi in a relationship with a scorpio. Take it slow. I accidently rushed it with a scorpio once and we ended up not talking after a few months (nothing bad) but the excitement of the situation can fizzle out if you go too fast.
I was just lucky that my scorpio actually wanted to stick with me even after we had done some naughty stuff (no sex yet). We both decided we want to take this very slow and not lust over each other, but grow in love with this relationship. It's becoming quite a beautiful thing smile So I think if shes willing to commit and not flirt with any guys and only be yours this could work out. You'll know she's really into you if she drops the flirting with the other guys and cuts them off. That's when you know she sees you as more than just someone she can flirt/have sex with.
Btw if she contacted you have probably been targeted. I do this sometimes and always get my man Winking
Lol yea i do kinda feel like i've been targeted in i way. i like how shes direct and not intimidated. I think i'm starting to develop a thang for sags! Winking
thats cuz we da we da best!
Posted by Jerrod1357
Lol yea i do kinda feel like i've been targeted in i way. i like how shes direct and not intimidated. I think i'm starting to develop a thang for sags! Winking

We will haunt your dreamsTongue
Btw I suggest getting a helmet
Just got off the phone with her for the first time (she made the initiial call) and it was like we had talked before or something. Zero awkwardness. Damn didnt know you sags were like this! *Grabs helmet.
Posted by happykitsune
Btw if she contacted you have probably been targeted. I do this sometimes and always get my man Winking

She is right! When we target you, we go for you, no doubts!
However only after we have evaluated you and have seen that you are kind, unique and might be worth giving you a shot.
Posted by silentdoll9
Posted by happykitsune
Btw if she contacted you have probably been targeted. I do this sometimes and always get my man Winking

She is right! When we target you, we go for you, no doubts!
However only after we have evaluated you and have seen that you are kind, unique and might be worth giving you a shot.
click to expand

Unless its a guy I want to make out with at a party ;P
But yeah we will evaluate you. I like to date diamonds in the rough and guys who are smart and responsible. Scorpios really intrigue me, as did my scorpio. I actually just wanted to seduce him from the start just to see if I could...didn't really like him, until I realized he was this romantic gentleman with the sexual prowess of a stallion. Oh how one night can change your perspective on someone so easilly. smile
i dont target guys with my bows and arrows. i do leave traps.

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