shy? carefull? hurt?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by silly1 on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 11 replies.
can sag guys be shy? and what would make a sag guy homy? like home daily and not botheredby it???
is this a sign of a sag guy being hurt and kinda withdrawing?
i know that this particular sag guy ended his relationship a year ago. but he is at home like everyday...happy though.
. he is sweet. funny. and can be very silent and shy. but very talkish too. and his approach is mixed.

you know how people you know for years would make a standard polite conversation.
you stand still ask how someone is blabla and then go on your way. however he seems all over the top happy (almost like he is hyped up) to see me and then just walks/rides by reallyyyyy fast without looking back.
like he is ......running away...yet when he sees me...even from a distance his eyes light up . and he gets this smile from like ear to ear. he could light up a room...not kidding.
its like reallyyyyy confusing. am i wrong or is this .......his way of saying dont come too close to me or he doesnt wanna talk to me :s. i dont get it. i dont look him up. even though he is near me every day. i am too be honoust very busy and its not something i think about allday but for some reason i just feel a bit ignored. like old people from wayyyy back i dont even know talk to me. and he does...just in a weird "i wanna talk and now i run away" kinda way. haha should i stay away from him or just say hello and let it go. or....whats going on here. if he would talk to me like every one else i would just think ok nice guy but thats it.....but this MAKES it weird lol
Sags (at least I) have a large network of acquaintances, and if I'm at work, or with good friends, or anything else, I could be 'running in place' when I talk to some people.

How do you know this sag? I can't tell if you want a relationship or if you just like being around his personality...
Posted by TheShire
Sags (at least I) have a large network of acquaintances, and if I'm at work, or with good friends, or anything else, I could be 'running in place' when I talk to some people.

How do you know this sag? I can't tell if you want a relationship or if you just like being around his personality...

well thats the thing.
we grew up together and i always liked his personality. sweet, dreamy little hyped up too at times. but that was 15 years ago. he told everyone back then we kissed. would try to get my attention and stare. we didnt really kiss and i never saw him that way. never saw him again. i found out he was working at the same place i am. but when i saw him again, well lets say ive been feeling weird ever since. feels like homesick but for a person. but what you said about running in place haha that sounds logic haha Winking i guess that was what it was. lol
Even if he lights up when he sees you, you turned him down before. It's tricky because you'll end up as friends unless you address the past, but your past is a touchy subject for a work environment. I think the relationSHIP has sailed, but there is still a friendSHIP smile smile smile

Or you can move quickly and subtly, and imply your intentions..good luck captain.
But don't come on too strong. I can tell you what he's likely thinking, but sags hate getting hit on.
Posted by dontgetmewrong
Posted by TheShire
But don't come on too strong. I can tell you what he's likely thinking, but sags hate getting hit on.

Yes we do...especially when it's not warranted. The best way to bring anything up is in subtlety..if he gets serious about the convo and wants to open up, believe me we'll take it there with you.
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I meant sag men, sag women love getting hit on especially in public.
Its always perplexing how sags are crazy... yet shy..
Then it hits me...beware of the quiet ones mmhmm
Posted by dontgetmewrong
Posted by Weeds
Its always perplexing how sags are crazy... yet shy..
Then it hits me...beware of the quiet ones mmhmm

Mmm, i wouldn't say shy.. but just not interested. If we're interested that's a whole different story.
click to expand

Well when the sag makes an approach I notice they need to hype themselves a lil before they go forward.
I understand there is a great fear of rejection but still confident... sometimes the linger so much before they do anything.. I wonder if they figure it all in there head first.
Posted by dontgetmewrong
Well.. take that back, we can be shy too if we like someone, it just means that maybe they don't know too much about that person and can make them nervous.. but not in a bad way.

Posted by dontgetmewrong
Gotta take a chance if you want it. But gotta also understand it may not go the way you hoped.

i went up to him myself and had a great convo!!!!! he has that very intens stare ...he was almost IN my face but it was great. he remembered things i didnt even remember!! LOL and he suggested we should go for coffee soon loved your advice! to be honoust i think if its mutual from both sides then yeah i feel he and me could be amazing. there was a very deep intens connection ......however i am so happy because we grew up and it felt so safe and good to talk to someone who knows me from when i was little that being friends is for me worth so much. i really value him and cant wait to catch up to talk more about our history together and to hear what happened to him. i dont feel pressure what will be will be. this was just heartwarming. he could've been hurt and ignore me but he was so open and warm to me. and he really wanted to hear what i was saying. and he remembered stuff i made for him hahaha so yeah. thanks for the advice. it helped and love your comments
Posted by kalin
Haven't met a shy one in my life.

ghehehe i think....not shy.....but carefull in the beginning. and maybe with age they overcome the shyness....but yessssssssss he was definitly shy....but maybe they are not shy in the usual "i get red and cant speak shy" he was more in the "i follow and watch you from a distance....i tell everyone how i feel....i actually claim ...i will talk your head off but never will i say first in your face that i like you"

he is very talkish, yet i am still a cancer sun and pisces moon and i pick off hidden emotions from a mile. someone can smile but if they are hurting you cant fool me. its okay...i dont say it out loud. cause peoples emotions are private and non of my business. but i do know Winking and he talks and talks and talks and is hyped up not just because of being happy and outgoing. he is carefull and tries to find out what is goin on my head hahahaha i can tell. he had my eyes on lock...almost try to stare in my soul. but i dont mind at all. I LOVE people making the effort to get to know you. he looks in my eyes not just the rest of me. and soooo adorable. he did it back then and i was feeling awkward i was very young and really didnt even know myself that well. so i hated it Big Grin

now i was sooooo happy. it felt safe and comforting. shy? maybe not....but they are people like everyone else. and everyone is carefull in their own way. if you wanna know someone better its always a matter of looking beyond their words and actions but looking at the whole pictures..and the eyes, the eyes never lie Winking