Slight Sexual Attraction

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by Sag89 on Friday, February 24, 2012 and has 16 replies.
So I kind of have it for my scorpios roomate. Who is also a scorpio with a scorpio moon.
I think I posted about this before but I don't know now it's more rampant.
I feel horrible about having these feelings even though I know they are only purely physically attraction. It's nothing emotionally just sexual but I've just never been attracted to someone's friend before. I feel awful and I want to stop feeling this way.
Maybe we need to stop hanging at his place so much cause he's always there. I never talk to him though and he never talks to us when we are there. It's just really awkward.

Has anyone else ever felt like this and did it go away and how to make it stop?
you can't control how you feel, so don't worry about that. It's what you do that counts. haha, but then who am I to offer advice? I'm just a dog.
'The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it' - Oscar Wilde
Those are my thoughts on the matter Winking
Posted by Sag89

Has anyone else ever felt like this and did it go away and how to make it stop?

Also Sag, I don't think you can make it go away unless you have another focus, so until then you will continue feeling these feelings (that's just from my personal experience) Tongue
Thanks guys! Yea it's really hard sometimes Tongue lol I've been avoiding going over to this place so far
yeah ive been down this road. i did what you did, i ignored and kept my distance. but the people around you can feel the tension when your in the same space as your crush. you just act differently, people will catch on ESPECIALLY a scorpio. they live for secrets.
that is how i ended up intermixed with a scorpio. i was with a fish (pisces) and i felt this flash of excitement when i saw him walk in the room one night (scorpio, pisces best friend). 2 years later, i still feel that same level of excitement. i think u may have some uranian synastry contacts with your crush.
just know the game that your going to play, if u choose to play. its easy to throw caution to the wind and sow your wild oats, but with scorpios, phew gurl.

as a scorpio moon, i love a good mystery, so i went down the rabbit hole and came out with a few cuts, sprains, and bruises BUT its turning out to be a good read. so u never know, u may be with the wrong scorpio.
Posted by DMV
yeah ive been down this road. i did what you did, i ignored and kept my distance. but the people around you can feel the tension when your in the same space as your crush. you just act differently, people will catch on ESPECIALLY a scorpio. they live for secrets.
that is how i ended up intermixed with a scorpio. i was with a fish (pisces) and i felt this flash of excitement when i saw him walk in the room one night (scorpio, pisces best friend). 2 years later, i still feel that same level of excitement. i think u may have some uranian synastry contacts with your crush.
just know the game that your going to play, if u choose to play. its easy to throw caution to the wind and sow your wild oats, but with scorpios, phew gurl.

as a scorpio moon, i love a good mystery, so i went down the rabbit hole and came out with a few cuts, sprains, and bruises BUT its turning out to be a good read. so u never know, u may be with the wrong scorpio.

Explain! lol
Posted by seraph

Hi Sag89 smile
First, I love you too.
Second, I am tempted to agree with DMV although I'm not for dumping scorp man for another scorp man. I am surprised you are back together again. How did that happen?
chemistry doesn't go away.
Oh no fum, it's not old scorp Sad I talked to him the other night tho....sigh.
It's my current scorp and his roomate is a scorp lol
Ah man they everywhere in my life *shrugs*
Posted by FUMRedFairy_tales
chemistry doesn't go away.

Posted by Sag89
Posted by DMV
yeah ive been down this road. i did what you did, i ignored and kept my distance. but the people around you can feel the tension when your in the same space as your crush. you just act differently, people will catch on ESPECIALLY a scorpio. they live for secrets.
that is how i ended up intermixed with a scorpio. i was with a fish (pisces) and i felt this flash of excitement when i saw him walk in the room one night (scorpio, pisces best friend). 2 years later, i still feel that same level of excitement. i think u may have some uranian synastry contacts with your crush.
just know the game that your going to play, if u choose to play. its easy to throw caution to the wind and sow your wild oats, but with scorpios, phew gurl.

as a scorpio moon, i love a good mystery, so i went down the rabbit hole and came out with a few cuts, sprains, and bruises BUT its turning out to be a good read. so u never know, u may be with the wrong scorpio.

Explain! lol
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well, asking specific questions is better. i dont want to taint or steer you in an uncertain direction.
Posted by aquaj
Pfffft. That's nothing! You want a sketchy attraction? I think my boyfriend's older brother is sexy. Feel better now? At least your groin isn't compelling you to keep it all in the family.

bahaha yes that did make j! lol
Posted by DMV
Posted by Sag89
Posted by DMV
yeah ive been down this road. i did what you did, i ignored and kept my distance. but the people around you can feel the tension when your in the same space as your crush. you just act differently, people will catch on ESPECIALLY a scorpio. they live for secrets.
that is how i ended up intermixed with a scorpio. i was with a fish (pisces) and i felt this flash of excitement when i saw him walk in the room one night (scorpio, pisces best friend). 2 years later, i still feel that same level of excitement. i think u may have some uranian synastry contacts with your crush.
just know the game that your going to play, if u choose to play. its easy to throw caution to the wind and sow your wild oats, but with scorpios, phew gurl.

as a scorpio moon, i love a good mystery, so i went down the rabbit hole and came out with a few cuts, sprains, and bruises BUT its turning out to be a good read. so u never know, u may be with the wrong scorpio.

Explain! lol

well, asking specific questions is better. i dont want to taint or steer you in an uncertain direction.
click to expand

uranian synastry contact?
uranus is electrifying. i would do a synasty and a composite chart to see if u have any of those contacts with each other. i would describe it as a "flash in a pan" love.