Hello I am new to this site. I have stumbled on this site while looking for articles on Cancer man lol I am gemini an
Can you even think in your dreams of a birthday party without a cake? You can???t. Even no one can think of celebrating
What is one thing you secretly wish your sexual partner would do or try that your to shy to tell them..... Me, I want
I meet this guy online. We went on 2 dates everything is going really well.we both felt this warmth when we're with each
Tell e about a cappy's loyalty to a business partner; short term, long term any terms.
Have you ever dated an aries? What was it like?
Hi, just wondering, what's a fun date for you aries involve? told this aries we should do something fun!.. but theres no
and opposite in what? personality, nature, values? silent vs talkative? introvert vs extrovert? fashionable vs simp
???The Love Addict??? For the Mars in Pisces Lover, to love and be loved is a compulsion; an all-consuming drive th