Sun & Moon compatibility

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by illbp on Friday, May 22, 2020 and has 10 replies.
I’m a sag sun & cancer moon. While going through adolescence I’ve found myself very conflicted by my own thoughts, feelings, and personality in general. Through 4D consciousness I’ve been able to decipher what resonates with me most, and that is the positive outlook I hold. Yet, evolving into 5D consciousness, the task of wholeheartedly loving every aspect of yourself is presented. Does anyone have any advice on accepting the good and bad that resides in you? For we can’t eliminate the bad, but we have to find a clear balance between the two, and that sounds very tedious but fulfilling in the long run.
i need hallucinogens to understand this
Posted by illbp

I’m a sag sun & cancer moon. While going through adolescence I’ve found myself very conflicted by my own thoughts, feelings, and personality in general. Through 4D consciousness I’ve been able to decipher what resonates with me most, and that is the positive outlook I hold. Yet, evolving into 5D consciousness, the task of wholeheartedly loving every aspect of yourself is presented. Does anyone have any advice on accepting the good and bad that resides in you? For we can’t eliminate the bad, but we have to find a clear balance between the two, and that sounds very tedious but fulfilling in the long run.
Your sun and moon are not in direct conflict so it's not bad, though disconnected. Just spend conscious time tending to what your sun desires and time tending to what your moon desires and you should be ok. Depending on if you are male or female would likely show what you're naturally spending more time on, assuming everything else is equal.

Posted by ElectronCowboy

My philosophy is very simple:

Try to treat everyone using the Golden Rule as much as possible.

When it comes down to the negative aspects of my personality, aka being a douchebag, I find it necessary every single day to make it an active process or behavior to suppress my version of asshole.

In these two ways, I think I found the balance of being an overall decent human being to as many people as I meet. I realize that I'm not going to make everyone like me right off the bat, and that's okay.

You can get more into depth if you want but I think if you follow your own path in what you know to be morally correct, I doubt you'll go wrong too much.

That’s what I seem to be getting at as well. No matter what “qualities” you’re made of, it is your intent that sets the sails for your life. Do you have more thoughts on that?
Posted by virgoOPPP

I can’t help with this. My thoughts aren’t on the level 😅
I relate. It’s not my moon that conflicts as much as my Capricorn placements. I’m

Sag sun

Aqua moon

Cap merc, Venus, Mars.

I have found that the concept of yin yang serves me well. It is all about balance. One must accept the bad and the good within our selves and within others. It is a journey to find your way, let go of some things, do better for others, and be true to yourself. That is about understanding yourself, it’s a journey and it’s worth it ❤️
Posted by PuzzlePieces

I relate. It’s not my moon that conflicts as much as my Capricorn placements. I’m

Sag sun

Aqua moon

Cap merc, Venus, Mars.

I have found that the concept of yin yang serves me well. It is all about balance. One must accept the bad and the good within our selves and within others. It is a journey to find your way, let go of some things, do better for others, and be true to yourself. That is about understanding yourself, it’s a journey and it’s worth it ❤️

Thank you for your insight 😊
Posted by Gobby

It all comes down to the compatibility of the elements.

I also believe that the sun and moon sharing the same modality is often a bad thing...
So do you think having signs that “conflict” or are “opposites” is actually a balance in itself? I just find that I have very intense deep-seated good and bad. They both come out in extremes and I’ve been working on not necessarily suppressing the bad but acknowledging it and letting it go as best I can in that moment.
My sun and Moon are both fixed in water and earth so are very compatible

If they’re in different elements and modalities, this can cause conflict