Susan Dey

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by lisabethur8 on Saturday, January 20, 2018 and has 16 replies.
the sagittarius woman who has that "wholesome" good girl feeling.

She fell in love with David Cassidy, Aries sun, Aquarius moon Virgo mars, Cancer rising.

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she looks like Christina Applegate, (sag stellium/pisces moon)

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David Cassidy passed away last year, in November of 2017. He was a lead singer of the Partridge family.

People on these boards say that sagittarius is slutty but according to David Cassidy's biography and novel that he wrote,

Susan Dey was the LEAST slutty woman he desired in women..

If you’re looking for sleaze,” David Cassidy piously warns us in his new autobiography, C’mon, Get Happy…Fear and Loathing on the Partridge Family Bus, ”for a list of celebrities I’ve slept with, you can put the book back on the shelf.”

Okay, so he does tell you about the day Gina Lollobrigida photographed him in bed with $ 200 worth of grapes and bananas draped on his naked groin. And he does dish about his dalliances with Meredith Baxter, with Susan Dey, whom he rejected in bed (”Susan lacked the slutty aspect of a female that I always found so attractive”),

holy cow!! non-sexual woman.

Where was his venus?

So Aries men are indeed sluts.

he found Gina Lollobridida highly sexual OBVIOUSLY...

so let's look at Gina. lol

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Cancer sun, 2nd house, Gemini rising, Virgo moon. Leo venus/Mars.

when he wrote the book,

Susan Dey was offended and she cut off any contact with him

Posted by DMV
Where was his venus?

So Aries men are indeed sluts.

Cancer rising, Aries sun, Aquarius moon lol I think he loves that Leo venus Leo mars.

and his mars is in virgo. lmao

venus pisces.
Posted by sierra_
she has virgo moon
they both do, gina and susan dey. lol
Hmm I have no experience with Venus in Pisces.
Surprising Susan Day looks like a virgin in public but a sex slave in private
Posted by DMV
Surprising Susan Day looks like a virgin in public but a sex slave in private
to the right man....

not to men like david cassidy who thought she was too boring.

it really is all about "energy" and the type you like..

venus.mars moon sun ect.
Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Where was his venus?

So Aries men are indeed sluts.

Cancer rising, Aries sun, Aquarius moon lol I think he loves that Leo venus Leo mars.

and his mars is in virgo. lmao

venus pisces.
oh well she ended up with a man with a better jawline
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i didnt look.

what's his sign?

i also noticed that David Cassidy has Jupiter Aquarius conjunct his Moon Aquarius.

perfect oppoisiton for the Leo venus/Leo mars.

his pisces venus loves the virgo moon in Gina. lol just not in Susan Dey.

i wanted to check out his book on and amazon. uk

and wow!!!! it's expensive.

new books are generally 300-up to 400 pounds

average is 150-250 pounds.

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Posted by sierra_
meredith baxter's got a leo moon

but damn, getting rejected for looking too innocent

poor susan
Baxter also has leo rising a stellium in leo.

also, her sun gemini sits on the 11th house. lol

too funny.

taurus mars too.

i dont think he rejected her for looking innocent... it's all about energy.
Gina Lolabrigida looks super glamourous ...similar to Sophia loren...

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& Susan Dey did well for herself, career wise and also later in life marrying a man since 1988. a long time..

as for David Cassidy he had an alcoholic addiction sadly....

plus he did alot of drugs in the early days. it happens to alot of famous people.

he was a huge teen idol back then..

Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by DMV
Where was his venus?

So Aries men are indeed sluts.

Cancer rising, Aries sun, Aquarius moon lol I think he loves that Leo venus Leo mars.

and his mars is in virgo. lmao

venus pisces.
oh well she ended up with a man with a better jawline


i didnt look.

what's his sign?

i also noticed that David Cassidy has Jupiter Aquarius conjunct his Moon Aquarius.

perfect oppoisiton for the Leo venus/Leo mars.

his pisces venus loves the virgo moon in Gina. lol just not in Susan Dey.

i wanted to check out his book on and amazon. uk

and wow!!!! it's expensive.

new books are generally 300-up to 400 pounds

average is 150-250 pounds.

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a much older man.. 25 years older than her

lol virgo daddy issues

and a capricorn!

of course
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she married a capricorn...much older Tongue of course.Laughing

aww well glad she is happy
Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Gina Lolabrigida looks super glamourous ...similar to Sophia loren...

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& Susan Dey did well for herself, career wise and also later in life marrying a man since 1988. a long time..

as for David Cassidy he had an alcoholic addiction sadly....

plus he did alot of drugs in the early days. it happens to alot of famous people.

he was a huge teen idol back then..

david's got like a baby face though

but he likes mature-looking women

yeah i see that sophia glam look
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he does dosn't he? like a baby. just like Leonardo Di Caprio. No matter how old Di Caprio gets, or puts on a grizzly beard he still looks like a baby.

not a baby perse, but baby-faced.. it's just part of their signature. lol

maybe that opposition, of young virginal girl wants older man

and young baby faced boy wants older mature woman.
Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Gina Lolabrigida looks super glamourous ...similar to Sophia loren...

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& Susan Dey did well for herself, career wise and also later in life marrying a man since 1988. a long time..

as for David Cassidy he had an alcoholic addiction sadly....

plus he did alot of drugs in the early days. it happens to alot of famous people.

he was a huge teen idol back then..

david's got like a baby face though

but he likes mature-looking women

yeah i see that sophia glam look
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i was wondering....Sophia Loren has Leo mars like Lola but Sophia has Aquarius moon.

where is the aquarius in Gina Lola? I saw she has gemini rising, Aquarius MC.

Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by sierra_
Posted by lisabethur8
Gina Lolabrigida looks super glamourous ...similar to Sophia loren...

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& Susan Dey did well for herself, career wise and also later in life marrying a man since 1988. a long time..

as for David Cassidy he had an alcoholic addiction sadly....

plus he did alot of drugs in the early days. it happens to alot of famous people.

he was a huge teen idol back then..

david's got like a baby face though

but he likes mature-looking women

yeah i see that sophia glam look

i was wondering....Sophia Loren has Leo mars like Lola but Sophia has Aquarius moon.

where is the aquarius in Gina Lola? I saw she has gemini rising, Aquarius MC.

does leo-aqua make one look glam?
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the girl in my avatar is Lily Donaldson (supermodel) Aqua sun, Sag venus, Aries mars, cap moon...

she doesn't have that glam look. more innocnet and sweet. but also not as "soft" as Doutzen Kroes.

maybe it does, not sure. what do you think?
i did some more reading lol & found her husband's placements. Apparantly he's in his 70s, really mature and professional guy and....

he's a Capricorn sun Aquarius venus, Aries mars, and Gemini moon. Jupiter gemini. lol

opposition attractions.

she totally went off the grid. just hid from celebrity world and had a happy long term marriage.