The most independent sign.

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by GodBlessAmerica on Friday, July 27, 2007 and has 14 replies.
Aries, Sagittarius, or Aquarius?
'Bus-Stop' sign
Aqua - indisputably.
Sags on the surface will seem to be independent but they always need a slave or two to actually survive in this world. All the glory of being a loner can't actually enable a Sag to do everything on his/her own making it a compulsion to seek help on a short-term from different quarters to achieve selfish goals and then move on without any remorse.
For Aries, relationship is a curse - they tend to lose confidence very quickly. Life is good till the time struggles last. Otherwise their plight is equally pathetic.
LOL...If U admit to Ur faults ...U don't become smaller by amy standards.
"always a longing for a partner, never the use and dump theory."
Have seen so many real life examples to the contrary that itz difficult to digest this novel proposition. The Sags I knew formed gangs/alliances to get even, then re-formed those to get even with former partners and it went on like that.
"admit to our faults or agreeing to what you think are our faults?"
Even if therez 10 % truth in what I analyse, it still makes a case for introspection.
Archer as usual you are on point. We sags know, how we are. All u said and more.. YOU hit it right on the nose. I hate when other people try to think thye sags, and always misjudge or describe us. Thankfuly we know who we are, and thats what matters. We are good loving people, full of trust , honesty and compassion a syou know to a fault. People admire and hate how sags carry their INDEPENDENCE.. But like u said, for the right love we are willing to give it up, we sacrifice alot for the ones we love and want. Thank god your on here Archer, it's good to lnow a fellow sag gets
i agree about archer hitting it right on the nose. couldnt have been expressed better
"We sags know, how we are";" hate when other people try to think thye sags"
Why ? R U all self- style d and self-born and impervious to any form of criticism ?
Or do U like to hear only good words abt Urself and believe in the art of mutual boot licking ? I fail to understand why reality hits U so hard - it may look ugly from itz exterior but its always beautiful from inside.
What I said is based on my experience and is not an instance of delusional fancy. I have had my best experiences with Sag mates and its an open secret that most of them are mechanically ( not emotionally ) abusive/manipulative and when confronted they admit to it gleefully.
Anyways , insecurity shall never be allowed to cloud objectivity. I found serious flaws in the theory of Sag independence ( from my perspective ) and presented it as it is. If U hit me on the nose of whatever place, it will definitely hurt me but the damage will be Urs.
i am thinking what a combo it will be if a person has aquarius sun and sagitarius moon,with aries
and my virgo girl will probably go mad because of it is she says it takes a lot of energy to handle me.Tongue
U are free to replace promiscuity with flirting which I know in Ur "philosophical" parlance is completely ethical . I have already spoken and the truth wasn't forced down anybody's throat. U chose to react and now please feel free to revel in the after-glow.
well I'm a Leo/Virgo cusp, moon aqua and sag rising
so I tend to be very independent........actually I can go for long periods by myself and it doesn't bother me....I feel I have the intellectual capacity to learn anything so I prefer to take everything on myself.........also from a very early age......I was taught to be self - sufficient
I don't like for people to do my work........I prefer to do everything myself and hate it, when I have to depend on others .........I loathe it........I would rather do it myself Winking
i would think sagittaurius are because they are free spirited and dont care what anyone thinks of them.