The Saggie tongue!

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by bibiana on Thursday, January 12, 2012 and has 1 replies.
Im perplex at times when people automatically assume my blutness is out of negativity or a place of insensitivity etc..I do, admit having a sharp tongue, but it's not b/c im being mean or hating on the persons situation... I just find somethings ( in my opinion) very silly and the person who is asking for the advise should actually hear themselves speak, before making it a thread!...Example: if you come on a forum ( such as this one) expect a variety of opinions, explaination of the members personal experiences and you the inquire needs to have before hand a mental note! PEOPLE will be honest with their opinions (whether you like it or not). I wouldnt want anyone to sugar coat anything for me! MY THING is just say it?! Dont beat around the bush on my expense..Now, not evryone is the same and people come from different emotional situations (absolutely i understand)..however, when you are trying to dissect lets say a relationship cut to the chase! We (especially) females LOVE IT! ABSOFREAKINLUTELY love comparing men's behaviour in general... so why not be straightforward with your concerns? Why ask, what did he mean by this or why did he look at me a certain way etc..REALLY? those questions YOU SHOULD BE ASKIN ..For me, the advise ( for example) should read what should i do to enhance my relationship? YOU know, something that makes sense..! Of course, (I) have the choice whether to engage or not, so everything is DEFINETLY PRO CHOICE..but how funny it is when i do engage ! Im being "HARSH" or unfair or unkind! Im just BEING ME! HONEST to the point!..I have tons of friends for more then 15+ years...MY BESTS FRIEND for 23 years..In a relationship for over a year! anyways,, im just venting at this point i guess lol..