What is up with astrologers trying to push water sign men on to Sag women?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by deckedandecker on Thursday, September 30, 2021 and has 11 replies.
I notice I read it a lot in modern astrology blogs and I read it in another blog called Aquarian Astrology, cannot find it though. It seems like people write the best things about pairings involving Sag women with water sign men and some like Mila Jovovich and Nicki Minhaj are with water sign guys but I wonder, why is this so?

I never really got it myself, could it be due to the 13th zodiac sign supposed being between Scorpio and Sag?

Posted by Hamsthetics

You'll understand once you stop being denial. But hey, we all have different approach on how to handle a bitter reality.

Mine for example, couldn't accept the fact that Virgals loved Fire sign men. But what did i do? I EMBRACE it, i support them, and i encourage Virgals to date Fire sign men and not boring Capricorns.

Now i don't care anymore, see?

I don't know what is your endgame, but i hope you get what you want and hopefully can find peace in yourself. Good luck.
Virgals like fire sign men?
Posted by Hamsthetics
Posted by deckedandecker
Posted by Hamsthetics

You'll understand once you stop being denial. But hey, we all have different approach on how to handle a bitter reality.

Mine for example, couldn't accept the fact that Virgals loved Fire sign men. But what did i do? I EMBRACE it, i support them, and i encourage Virgals to date Fire sign men and not boring Capricorns.

Now i don't care anymore, see?

I don't know what is your endgame, but i hope you get what you want and hopefully can find peace in yourself. Good luck.

Virgals like fire sign men?

Oh you have no idea.
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Most I know who are celebs or those who I know in real life end up with water sign men the most. Although in this study the top 5 were Leos so you may just be on to something:

I'm not sure why you based a lot of what goes on with Sag on the 5 same celebrities that you bring up.

Nicki Minaj has lots of earth and water in her chart, so she may connect with water signs better.

No one can push anything on a Sag- We like what we like and only give in when we've found it. We aren't the sign that settles for anyone. When you fit what we want, we go after it- sign doesn't matter.
I get more Earth signs interested than Water signs.. although Earth energy's my least fav, sry ppls 🙈🙃
Posted by CuddleBug1288

I get more Earth signs interested than Water signs.. although Earth energy's my least fav, sry ppls 🙈🙃
They see how much fun you have on your own and want to try to ruin your life with controlling and tracking you!Laughing

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Posted by saggurl88

I'm not sure why you based a lot of what goes on with Sag on the 5 same celebrities that you bring up.

Nicki Minaj has lots of earth and water in her chart, so she may connect with water signs better.

No one can push anything on a Sag- We like what we like and only give in when we've found it. We aren't the sign that settles for anyone. When you fit what we want, we go after it- sign doesn't matter.
BS lol.

Sag women are very susceptible and have a vendetta against fire sign men.
Posted by deckedandecker
Posted by saggurl88

I'm not sure why you based a lot of what goes on with Sag on the 5 same celebrities that you bring up.

Nicki Minaj has lots of earth and water in her chart, so she may connect with water signs better.

No one can push anything on a Sag- We like what we like and only give in when we've found it. We aren't the sign that settles for anyone. When you fit what we want, we go after it- sign doesn't matter.

BS lol.

Sag women are very susceptible and have a vendetta against fire sign men.
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If you can't beat us, join us! Big Grin No one has time for vendettas. Sag men and women just move on instead.

Who's insecurities are in play now?
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by deckedandecker
Posted by saggurl88

I'm not sure why you based a lot of what goes on with Sag on the 5 same celebrities that you bring up.

Nicki Minaj has lots of earth and water in her chart, so she may connect with water signs better.

No one can push anything on a Sag- We like what we like and only give in when we've found it. We aren't the sign that settles for anyone. When you fit what we want, we go after it- sign doesn't matter.

BS lol.

Sag women are very susceptible and have a vendetta against fire sign men.

If you can't beat us, join us! Big Grin No one has time for vendettas. Sag men and women just move on instead.

Who's insecurities are in play now?
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You forgot the ones who got a lot of inner planets in Scorpio. UGH, ruining my life right now, the bish.
Posted by deckedandecker
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by deckedandecker
Posted by saggurl88

I'm not sure why you based a lot of what goes on with Sag on the 5 same celebrities that you bring up.

Nicki Minaj has lots of earth and water in her chart, so she may connect with water signs better.

No one can push anything on a Sag- We like what we like and only give in when we've found it. We aren't the sign that settles for anyone. When you fit what we want, we go after it- sign doesn't matter.

BS lol.

Sag women are very susceptible and have a vendetta against fire sign men.

If you can't beat us, join us! Big Grin No one has time for vendettas. Sag men and women just move on instead.

Who's insecurities are in play now?

You forgot the ones who got a lot of inner planets in Scorpio. UGH, ruining my life right now, the bish.
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Because they need to be trained in horse riding skills before dating a water sign woman.