What might it mean when a sag man tags an ex in a "romantic" meme, on Facebook?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by aj123 on Thursday, October 12, 2017 and has 17 replies.
Hi all,

Came across this on Facebook the other day.. wish I hadn't tbh..

So the guy I'm with (and have been for 8 months) did mention to me a while ago about a girl he met in a nightclub over a year ago, who he briefly dated (just kissed, no further) for a few weeks or so before he said they decided just to be friends.. then, when he couldn't find anyone to go on vacation to spain with him as a last minute getaway from work stress, he went with her as she was the only one available at short notice (he says). He told me that once he got back from the holiday, he had got so irritated by her behaviour e.g. asking him to pay for stuff for him etc. that he unfriended her on Facebook (it is true that they are not friends on Facebook now so at least that part is somewhat accurate) etc. as he didn't even want to be friends with her after that.

Then, nearly a year later, so after he's met me, he reposted on Facebook the holiday snaps as a memories thing that u can do on Facebook like "a year ago today", which only consisted of pics of him and scenery.. (as he only had 1 pic of her in the whole lot of 10 so didn't repost the pic of her as part of the memories album)...

Anyway, as his fb profile is on PUBLIC (as in even non-friends can comment on his posts), the girl somehow saw the post and commented saying she missed her "holiday friend" i.e. him (he didn't say he missed her - at least not on the public Facebook) and they had a back and forth convo on the fb comments for a while where she was saying she was out holidaying again drinking vodka etc.

Then, a few days later, they become friends again on Facebook..

A few weeks later, when I was with him, he was showing me some stuff on his phone like an article, and a message from her pops up.. he quickly explains what happened (he probably didn't realise I already knew from his Facebook activity) that she'd apparently apologised for being a massive idiot and they're on friendly terms and that she was messaging him asking for help on how to write her CV (english is not her first language)....

which was suspicious enough but then a few days ago, there was a meme that said "A man does all the hard work only to make his woman like a princess" with an image of grubby hard working man's hands and pretty manicured woman's hand with a ring... surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?

He still seems to give me attention and seems eager asking me to meet up again soon etc. but urgh these findings make me feel ill (he constantly denies anything going on with other women etc. but then again, most cheats do)
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

I’d be jealous too! Does his Facebook mention he’s dating you or have pictures of you on there? You should make your presence known. Write I love you on his page with a picture of you two together.
You're a high maintenance hoe reading into stupid social media bs.

If this is bothering you so much, stop seeing the dude. If not, get your stupid, insecure girl logic under control.

I'm so glad my dude isn't on fb and I don't need to spend nights worried about thirsty hos trying to get at him 😅
I'm sorry but if I were you I'd be already making a problem from that. Tagging his "friend" in this shet? Dude,please.
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by rockyroadicecream
You're a high maintenance hoe reading into stupid social media bs.

If this is bothering you so much, stop seeing the dude. If not, get your stupid, insecure girl logic under control.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?

If you haven't taken your midol today I suggest doing so. Caling her names because you don't agree with her point of view is not your place to be.

Now, lets go find that midol
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And let's get you a sedative if that sent you off into an interwebs rage. Or maybe we can just chalk it up to pregnancy brain?

She's being a dipshit. As anyone who goes on about social media woes.


Fucking who cares? You sound like an idiotic twat. There are worse things going on in the world and you're fretting over something insanely shallow and idiotic like social media.

If a bitch cannot handle the stupid shit she sees on social media, she shouldn't be dating anyone. Imagine what these silly bitches would be doing if they could spy on dude 24/7.

"Omg his world does not revolve around meeee. All women are a threat to my insecure emotional state!!"
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by rockyroadicecream
You're a high maintenance hoe reading into stupid social media bs.

If this is bothering you so much, stop seeing the dude. If not, get your stupid, insecure girl logic under control.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?

If you haven't taken your midol today I suggest doing so. Caling her names because you don't agree with her point of view is not your place to be.

Now, lets go find that midol
You're blaming a woman's period on her opinion, because you disagree with it?

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Remember, blaming a period is a misogynistic approach to disagreeing with a woman.

The fact another woman is doing it makes her a cunt. It's alarming she's breeding, too. I hope for fuck's sake she doesn't raise her kid the same way.

"If you don't agree with a woman just blame it on her period. Assertive and forward women are bad."

1950s??? IS THAT YOU???

Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by rockyroadicecream
You're a high maintenance hoe reading into stupid social media bs.

If this is bothering you so much, stop seeing the dude. If not, get your stupid, insecure girl logic under control.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?

If you haven't taken your midol today I suggest doing so. Caling her names because you don't agree with her point of view is not your place to be.

Now, lets go find that midol
And let's get you a sedative if that sent you off into an interwebs rage. Or maybe we can just chalk it up to pregnancy brain?

She's being a dipshit. As anyone who goes on about social media woes.


Fucking who cares? You sound like an idiotic twat. There are worse things going on in the world and you're fretting over something insanely shallow and idiotic like social media.

If a bitch cannot handle the stupid shit she sees on social media, she shouldn't be dating anyone. Imagine what these silly bitches would be doing if they could spy on dude 24/7.

"Omg his world does not revolve around meeee. All women are a threat to my insecure emotional state!!"
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I'm sorry to interrupt your theatrical performance but the dude didn't "like" a picture on fb. He "tagged" the ex on a romantic whatever, or so says op. There's a slight difference between doing one and the other as you might know if you use fb.

Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

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Thank you very much for your post - it definitely put my mind to rest somewhat. Are you a sagittarius male also?

The main thing that worried me was when he tagged her name on the Facebook meme, he also put 3 x (kisses) at the end of it
Posted by pinkbird03
I’d be jealous too! Does his Facebook mention he’s dating you or have pictures of you on there? You should make your presence known. Write I love you on his page with a picture of you two together.
Thanks for your post - lol no I am not the type to be Facebook official with anyone to be honest and he seems to be the same (which could be innocent reasons like myself to avoid showing off etc. or to make himself seem available although he did take off his single status on Facebook after I once briefly mentioned it to him ages ago (I didn't say he had to remove it though but would be nice if he did)
Posted by Capmercury87
There could have been better ways to tell her she's a sugar baby princess who never works hard for anything, how ever it is facebook, its hard to find memes that state exactly what your trying to get across unless you Google it. Which I'm sure he don't have time for.

Don't forget she is a sugar baby that hates buying and being responsible for herself so even if they remain friends he will get tired of her real quick.
Thank you very much for your post - I really hope that's all there is to it.. it mainly bugs me because she is technically an ex even if they supposedly only dated for a few weeks like he says.. As she is an ex, he must have found her attractive (personality and/or looks) etc. in the past to have dated her in the first place.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by carrazeda
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by rockyroadicecream
You're a high maintenance hoe reading into stupid social media bs.

If this is bothering you so much, stop seeing the dude. If not, get your stupid, insecure girl logic under control.

Jesus Christ what is wrong with you?

If you haven't taken your midol today I suggest doing so. Caling her names because you don't agree with her point of view is not your place to be.

Now, lets go find that midol
And let's get you a sedative if that sent you off into an interwebs rage. Or maybe we can just chalk it up to pregnancy brain?

She's being a dipshit. As anyone who goes on about social media woes.


Fucking who cares? You sound like an idiotic twat. There are worse things going on in the world and you're fretting over something insanely shallow and idiotic like social media.

If a bitch cannot handle the stupid shit she sees on social media, she shouldn't be dating anyone. Imagine what these silly bitches would be doing if they could spy on dude 24/7.

"Omg his world does not revolve around meeee. All women are a threat to my insecure emotional state!!"
I'm sorry to interrupt your theatrical performance but the dude didn't "like" a picture on fb. He "tagged" the ex on a romantic whatever, or so says op. There's a slight difference between doing one and the other as you might know if you use fb.

He's calling her a princess. He's being cheeky.

Probably because he stopped being mates with her cuz she expects a handout.

To me that's tongue n' cheek.

Not "ohh baby I'll be your sugar daddy".
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Thank you for your post - he is often quite sarcastic and quite cheeky in terms of personality so your explanation would make sense

Posted by aj123
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

Thank you very much for your post - it definitely put my mind to rest somewhat. Are you a sagittarius male also?

The main thing that worried me was when he tagged her name on the Facebook meme, he also put 3 x (kisses) at the end of it
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I am a Sag male...an older one lol smile

We often express the truth mixed with humor...same with our philosophy. The three kisses is to soften the blow because when we do this, it's not to put a person down, but to tell them the truth so they will have a blue print to change. Yeah, he took a shot at her but he did it in order for her to see how she is so she can change.

Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

Thank you very much for your post - it definitely put my mind to rest somewhat. Are you a sagittarius male also?

The main thing that worried me was when he tagged her name on the Facebook meme, he also put 3 x (kisses) at the end of it
I am a Sag male...an older one lol smile

We often express the truth mixed with humor...same with our philosophy. The three kisses is to soften the blow because when we do this, it's not to put a person down, but to tell them the truth so they will have a blue print to change. Yeah, he took a shot at her but he did it in order for her to see how she is so she can change.

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I also want to say to you, keep in mind, he didn't have to tell you about them dating at all, but he did. If we really like someone, we will take that chance and tell them. There are several principles behind this simple action. The first, we'd rather be honest and let that person have a choice as to how they want to handle it. Second, an attempt to build trust. We're practical and don't expect people to trust us right away. Therefore, we'd rather be genuine in that regard. No we're not perfect but usually we have good intentions.

Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

Thank you very much for your post - it definitely put my mind to rest somewhat. Are you a sagittarius male also?

The main thing that worried me was when he tagged her name on the Facebook meme, he also put 3 x (kisses) at the end of it
I am a Sag male...an older one lol smile

We often express the truth mixed with humor...same with our philosophy. The three kisses is to soften the blow because when we do this, it's not to put a person down, but to tell them the truth so they will have a blue print to change. Yeah, he took a shot at her but he did it in order for her to see how she is so she can change.

I also want to say to you, keep in mind, he didn't have to tell you about them dating at all, but he did. If we really like someone, we will take that chance and tell them. There are several principles behind this simple action. The first, we'd rather be honest and let that person have a choice as to how they want to handle it. Second, an attempt to build trust. We're practical and don't expect people to trust us right away. Therefore, we'd rather be genuine in that regard. No we're not perfect but usually we have good intentions.

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Aw thank you very much for your help. He has often very much over-shared details to me about his past with exes even the sexual aspects of it which I kinda took to mean he wasn't too serious about us otherwise, no way would you reveal weird / intimate stuff about your past and you'd be trying to make a good impression but your interpretation of "coming clear" to the ones we trust, etc is another side to it that I hadn't considered yet.

Thank you again

Posted by aj123
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
Posted by beautifulsoul74
Posted by aj123
surely that's not something you'd tag a "friend" in..?
...you would if you’re taking a shot at them.

The only thing he seems guilty of so far is giving another chance at friendship to somebody who used him in the past. But that doesn’t equal cheating. He already told you how he felt about her and backed it up by blocking her.

We can be friends and chat with people who mean us no good but we keep them at a certain distance because we are realistic as well. Him tagging her in that meme comes across as him telling her an overt truth about who she is. But honestly, why the insecurity? You don’t mention him treating you any different especially since he became friends with her again...and I use the word “friend” loosely. We are very forgiving people, but the biggest mistake people often make about us is automatically assuming that we have romantic interest because we “let someone back in.” He doesn’t seem interested in her to me.

Thank you very much for your post - it definitely put my mind to rest somewhat. Are you a sagittarius male also?

The main thing that worried me was when he tagged her name on the Facebook meme, he also put 3 x (kisses) at the end of it
I am a Sag male...an older one lol smile

We often express the truth mixed with humor...same with our philosophy. The three kisses is to soften the blow because when we do this, it's not to put a person down, but to tell them the truth so they will have a blue print to change. Yeah, he took a shot at her but he did it in order for her to see how she is so she can change.

I also want to say to you, keep in mind, he didn't have to tell you about them dating at all, but he did. If we really like someone, we will take that chance and tell them. There are several principles behind this simple action. The first, we'd rather be honest and let that person have a choice as to how they want to handle it. Second, an attempt to build trust. We're practical and don't expect people to trust us right away. Therefore, we'd rather be genuine in that regard. No we're not perfect but usually we have good intentions.

Aw thank you very much for your help. He has often very much over-shared details to me about his past with exes even the sexual aspects of it which I kinda took to mean he wasn't too serious about us otherwise, no way would you reveal weird / intimate stuff about your past and you'd be trying to make a good impression but your interpretation of "coming clear" to the ones we trust, etc is another side to it that I hadn't considered yet.

Thank you again

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You’re welcome!

We often operate opposite to everyone else. If we trust you, we will share the most intimate details of our lives. The reason he does this, is that he wants you to be his best friend as well as his lover so that he feels completely safe. He wants you to know who he is so that you’re not caught off guard about anything. Not directed at you, but the biggest mistake people make with us is assuming we’re not being serious romantically when we do talk about past relationships...but honestly as I said...we take a different approach. Our logic is that we watch everyone do the same things and get the same results. Why not do things different? You can’t have a union when when you use divisional tactics like hiding stuff and not revealing yourself. It may appear to be naive but I ask...how’s what you’re doing working for you? Same thing different person?

Also, it’s a way we relate and bond. Like, “I had the same thing happen to me as well so I know what you mean.” Lastly, it let’s one know what we will not tolerate and what will cause us to keep our distance as far as a commitment.