What’s the deal sag men?!

This topic was created in the Sagittarius Men forum by MsArcher on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 and has 2 replies.

I’ve been friends (acquaintances) with a sag man for a couple of years and we can’t stop crossing the line. Story goes...

We’ve slept with each other a few times, but neither of us really follow up afterwards even though I’d like to. I sense he’s a wanderlust so take it for what it is. When we do see each other it’s explosive chemistry. I catch him staring and trying to be close to me. I sometimes feel confused because he will not talk to me via any other means unless we’re physically together and then he’s like a rash.

Last time we saw each other I sensed we got closer due to how he was in bed. Lots of looking deep in the eyes and kisses on forehead - that for me is very intimate and caring. Maybe I’m reading into that too much (or my breath stank! Haha). He told me he can’t stop thinking of me, that there’s something about me and all the sweet shit, but then I don’t hear from him or it’s a random hi? WTF?!

I’m a grown woman, I can have adult sex (safely) with no emotional backlash - so long as the other person is straight with me. Our crowd of friends say he doesn’t sleep around so I don’t know what’s up with him. When I tried to talk to him gently about it the time before last he just swept ‘us’ under the carpet a little, so I left it. But the last time, his actions said otherwise to me. I never chase him on the subject though.

We’re both November born. I’m true Scorpio, he’s a Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp. I’m unclear on his full chart but I’m sag rising, Venus and Mars is libra with some other dashes of Sagittarius so I feel (based on my chart) I’m drawn to him because of my sag influences.

I’m a mega sag fan - have amazing female sag friends, but he’s the first male that’s caught me like this. Any opinions on sag males from any saggies here? Or if you’ve been in a relationship with them? How’d they work?!
I was in the exact same situation with a Sag man Venus in Scorpio for a few years... we'd do this thing where we hooked up every year and he was unbelievably sweet, took me wherever I wanted to go for the night, we stayed at the most expensive hotel in the city, he spent hundreds of dollars on me, and then in the morning, he would just vanish. I finally got over him these past few months, it took years to get over him - I get it, trust me. We kinda talked about it finally, but he's really bad at confrontation, he can't address his own issues. Move on. You can do better.