Whats up my beautiful people?

This topic was created in the Sagittarius forum by BoomShakalakaBoom on Monday, November 12, 2012 and has 12 replies.

Just thought I'd drop to say hi after a small dxp break. You all know how it all ended with the Sag and I have to say she's not an easy girl to get out of your mind, though Im doing pretty well! been back on party mode, even hooked up with some random (but pretty cute!!) Japanese Taurus to see if that helped getting over the Sag and just as I suspected..it didnt Tongue funny how getting over the cap of 3 years wasnt that difficult in comparison.
How are you all experiencing your 12th house month? smile
Posted by DeeGee
It's not the Venus in Scorpio he can't shake, its all that pussy she through in his face...sure fire way to get a man dazed and confused.
So what happened? she ran off with you're friend cus he had more money and better all expensse paid trips?


haha your comment made my day.
Posted by Ligeia
Yeah we Venus-Scorpios aren't that easy to
get up out your system Winking But none the less
glad to hear you're coming around to your old
self again! WTH is our 12th house month?

Its scorpio season now..(your solar 12th house time) Nov 22- Dec 22 is your 1st house time, Sag time Big Grin I find myself being more reflective during Leo season usually (my 12th house time)
I do remember your very first venus in Scorpio warning aka "be ready for a torrid ride" Tongue in any case, when heavy Pisces is involved (her moon) its usually lethal for me as well (from past love experiences). It seems every little thing (like a shampoo brand..lol) reminds me of a particular moment with her, this happens crazily often. Good thing is that they are happy memories in 99% of the cases! since we never ever had a fight or a big disagreement, plus our romance was so incredibly intense for the short time we were together.
I know myself pretty well so I know which stages I usually go through in the process of getting over someone. I am finally on friendly terms with her now (after some heated message exchanging!) but we havent spoken to each other face to face since the breakup so I know an important step towards getting over her implies me feeling her out/reading her feelings when we are face to face and deal with each other in a "friendly" manner for the first time again, this way I can draw my emotional conclusions and see if they match what my reasoning already told me.
Had I told you I am going through my Saturn return as we speak? Tongue Im pretty sure my thing with the Sag was quite karmic in this sense, not only as far as timing but the type of lessons Im learning from it, about myself and how I function in deep involvements.

Posted by bubblyaquarius
DeeGee, you are so real, I love it.
Shaka, you'll never get over her mentioning it in your first post and coming to the Sag board! Oh no, my friend. You need to focus your energies elsewhere. Sad It's tough. We've all been there. Stuck on an ex, who left us. -_- Don't worry. *air hugs*

Yup, its been just a little over 3 weeks though so Im doing pretty well for myself smile and contrary to what you're saying I have found that sharing my story with lots of people is quite therapeutic, not only to get over her (cause they help me get back in "right perspective mode") but also about relationships in general, probably the one subject that fascinates me the most. I dont run away from this learning experience, I embrace it. I think its something you probably only understand after a certain age or level of maturity. Thanks for your concern though smile
To Kunoichi/my ninja girl..
If you read this thread, Im still pretty grateful for your great advice and concern, thank you again!!
Yes I do understand what you're saying, but this goes way deeper than venting. That's what Im trying to say, and it has nothing to do with being mercurial or an air sign, etc but rather with emotional experience/age.
Btw, I rarely talk about my cap ex of 3 years these days so the theory that applies to you, doesnt apply to me. Nothing wrong with that, you and me are just wired differently, hope you understand that too Tongue
Posted by DeeGee
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DeeGee
It's not the Venus in Scorpio he can't shake, its all that pussy she through in his face...sure fire way to get a man dazed and confused.
So what happened? she ran off with you're friend cus he had more money and better all expensse paid trips?

Same difference Tongue

LOL...no, actually, I think the one he was banging had some "std" issues at one time....theres Venus in Scorpio, then theres Venus in slutsville...
click to expand

Posted by MzSag
I wish the Sun would enter Sagittarius already! I'm getting antsy!
I can just smell my birthday in the air. *sniffs* Go on... Take a whiff.
Big Grin
It's good to hear that you're doing better, though. I hope you've learned your lesson...

Leave those crazy ass Venus in Scorps ALONE... and get you a stable Venus in Capricorn. Preferably with a Sagittarius Sun, Capricorn Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Gemini Rising.
(The Gemini ASC is negotiable.)

Wedding bells Big Grin that's all I hear when reading your posts
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Shaks, wasn't she one of the two girls in that pic you posted one time?
Jussayin', the other one seemed to be pleased to be in your presence too.Tongue

Hehe no, those are old news :p the sag was the one dancing with me on that pic you thought people were on fire lo,
Posted by capgirl75
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DeeGee
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DeeGee
It's not the Venus in Scorpio he can't shake, its all that pussy she through in his face...sure fire way to get a man dazed and confused.
So what happened? she ran off with you're friend cus he had more money and better all expensse paid trips?

Same difference Tongue

LOL...no, actually, I think the one he was banging had some "std" issues at one time....theres Venus in Scorpio, then theres Venus in slutsville...

Damn, judgy-wudgy was a bear lol.
I'm not aware of all that, CLEARLY you're quite
invested in his amorous dealings. From what I read
I thought he was having a hypochondriac moment with
the std thing which turned out she was clean.

Yes, he is an obsessive cock washer! lol. Silly Virgos! Love ya Shaks!
click to expand

Love ya too you silly cap, I've missed my Cappy ladies, miss their reliable and dependable ways. If only I could find myself a cap with a bunch of Sag. Maybe I will
Ah yea